mongoc_socket_sendv (mongoc_socket_t *sock,
                     mongoc_iovec_t *iov,
                     size_t iovcnt,
                     int64_t expire_at);

  • sock: A mongoc_socket_t.
  • iov: A mongoc_iovec_t.
  • iovcnt: A size_t containing the number of elements in iov.
  • expire_at: A int64_t with absolute timeout in monotonic time. The monotonic clock is in microseconds and can be fetched using System Clock.

Sends a vector of buffers to the destination. This uses sendmsg() when available to perform a gathered write. If IOV_MAX is reached, a fallback will be used.

the number of bytes sent on success, or -1 on failure and errno is set.

MongoDB, Inc

2017-present, MongoDB, Inc

March 31, 2024 1.26.0