mongoc_socket_send (mongoc_socket_t *sock,
                    const void *buf,
                    size_t buflen,
                    int64_t expire_at);

  • sock: A mongoc_socket_t.
  • buf: A buffer to send.
  • buflen: A size_t with the number of bytes in buf.
  • expire_at: A int64_t with an absolute timeout for the operation or 0. The timeout is in monotonic time using microseconds. You can retrieve the current monotonic time with System Clock.

Sends buflen bytes in buf to the destination. If a timeout expired, the number of bytes sent will be returned or -1 if no bytes were sent.

-1 on failure and errno is set, or the number of bytes sent.

MongoDB, Inc

2017-present, MongoDB, Inc

March 31, 2024 1.26.0