mongoc_socket_connect (mongoc_socket_t *sock,
                       const struct sockaddr *addr,
                       mongoc_socklen_t addrlen,
                       int64_t expire_at);

  • sock: A mongoc_socket_t.
  • addr: A struct sockaddr.
  • addrlen: A mongoc_socklen_t.
  • expire_at: A int64_t containing the absolute timeout using the monotonic clock.

This function is a wrapper around the BSD socket connect() interface. It provides better portability between UNIX-like and Microsoft Windows platforms.

This function performs a socket connection but will fail if expire_at has been reached by the monotonic clock. Keep in mind that this is an absolute timeout in milliseconds. You should add your desired timeout to System Clock.

0 if successful, -1 on failure and errno is set.

MongoDB, Inc

2017-present, MongoDB, Inc

March 31, 2024 1.26.0