bool mongoc_gridfs_bucket_download_to_stream (mongoc_gridfs_bucket_t *bucket, const bson_value_t *file_id, mongoc_stream_t *destination, bson_error_t *error);
Reads from the GridFS file and writes to the destination stream.
Writes the full contents of the file to the destination stream. The destination stream is not closed after calling mongoc_gridfs_bucket_download_to_stream(); call mongoc_stream_close() after.
This function is considered a retryable read operation. Upon a transient error (a network error, errors due to replica set failover, etc.) the operation is safely retried once. If retryreads is false in the URI (see mongoc_uri_t) the retry behavior does not apply.
True if the operation succeeded. False otherwise, and sets error.
mongoc_stream_file_new() and mongoc_stream_file_new_for_path(), which can be used to create a destination stream from a file.
MongoDB, Inc
2017-present, MongoDB, Inc
March 31, 2024 | 1.26.0 |