Please use mongoc_cursor_new_from_command_reply_with_opts() in new code.
When migrating from the deprecated mongoc_cursor_new_from_command_reply() to mongoc_cursor_new_from_command_reply_with_opts(), note that options previously passed to the reply argument (e.g. "batchSize") must instead be provided in the opts argument.
mongoc_cursor_t * mongoc_cursor_new_from_command_reply (mongoc_client_t *client, bson_t *reply, uint32_t server_id); BSON_GNUC_DEPRECATED_FOR (mongoc_cursor_new_from_command_reply_with_opts);
Some MongoDB commands return a "cursor" document. For example, given an "aggregate" command:
{ "aggregate" : "collection", "pipeline" : [], "cursor" : {}}
The server replies:
{ "cursor" : { "id" : 1234, "ns" : "db.collection", "firstBatch" : [ ] }, "ok" : 1 }
mongoc_cursor_new_from_command_reply is a low-level function that initializes a mongoc_cursor_t from such a reply. Additional options such as "tailable" or "awaitData" can be included in the reply.
When synthesizing a completed cursor response that has no more batches (i.e. with cursor id 0), server_id may be 0. If the cursor response is not completed (i.e. with non-zero cursor id), pass the server_id of the server used to create the cursor.
Use this function only for building a language driver that wraps the C Driver. When writing applications in C, higher-level functions such as mongoc_collection_aggregate() are more appropriate, and ensure compatibility with a range of MongoDB versions.
A mongoc_cursor_t. On failure, the cursor's error is set. Check for failure with mongoc_cursor_error().
MongoDB, Inc
2017-present, MongoDB, Inc
March 31, 2024 | 1.26.0 |