mongoc_collection_update (mongoc_collection_t *collection,
                          mongoc_update_flags_t flags,
                          const bson_t *selector,
                          const bson_t *update,
                          const mongoc_write_concern_t *write_concern,
                          bson_error_t *error);

  • collection: A mongoc_collection_t.
  • flags: A bitwise or of mongoc_update_flags_t.
  • selector: A bson_t containing the query to match documents for updating.
  • update: A bson_t containing the update to perform. If updating with a pipeline, a bson_t array.
  • write_concern: A mongoc_write_concern_t.
  • error: An optional location for a bson_error_t or NULL.

Superseded by mongoc_collection_update_one(), mongoc_collection_update_many(), and mongoc_collection_replace_one().

This function shall update documents in collection that match selector.

By default, updates only a single document. Set flags to MONGOC_UPDATE_MULTI_UPDATE to update multiple documents.

Errors are propagated via the error parameter.

Returns true if successful. Returns false and sets error if there are invalid arguments or a server or network error.

A write concern timeout or write concern error is considered a failure.

MongoDB, Inc

2017-present, MongoDB, Inc

March 31, 2024 1.26.0