Deprecated since version 1.10.0: This helper function is deprecated and should not be used in new code. Use the $collStats aggregation pipeline stage with mongoc_collection_aggregate() instead.

mongoc_collection_stats (mongoc_collection_t *collection,
                         const bson_t *options,
                         bson_t *reply,
                         bson_error_t *error) BSON_GNUC_DEPRECATED;

  • collection: A mongoc_collection_t.
  • options: An optional bson_t containing extra options to pass to the collStats command.
  • reply: A maybe-NULL pointer to overwritable storage for a bson_t to contain the results.
  • error: An optional location for a bson_error_t or NULL.

Run the collStats command to retrieve statistics about the collection.

The command uses the mongoc_read_prefs_t set on collection.

Errors are propagated via the error parameter.

Returns true if successful. Returns false and sets error if there are invalid arguments or a server or network error.

reply is always initialized and must be freed with bson_destroy().

MongoDB, Inc

2017-present, MongoDB, Inc

March 31, 2024 1.26.0