Deprecated since version 1.8.0: This function is deprecated and should not be used in new code. See Manage Collection Indexes.

mongoc_collection_create_index_with_opts (mongoc_collection_t *collection,
                                          const bson_t *keys,
                                          const mongoc_index_opt_t *index_opts,
                                          const bson_t *command_opts,
                                          bson_t *reply,
                                          bson_error_t *error)

  • collection: A mongoc_collection_t.
  • keys: A bson_t.
  • index_opts: A mongoc_index_opt_t.
  • reply: A maybe-NULL pointer to overwritable storage for a bson_t to contain the results.
  • error: An optional location for a bson_error_t or NULL.

command_opts may be NULL or a BSON document with additional command options:

  • writeConcern: Construct a mongoc_write_concern_t and use mongoc_write_concern_append() to add the write concern to opts. See the example code for mongoc_client_write_command_with_opts().
  • sessionId: First, construct a mongoc_client_session_t with mongoc_client_start_session(). You can begin a transaction with mongoc_client_session_start_transaction(), optionally with a mongoc_transaction_opt_t that overrides the options inherited from collection, and use mongoc_client_session_append() to add the session to opts. See the example code for mongoc_client_session_t.

This function will request the creation of a new index.

This function will use the createIndexes command. The server's reply is stored in reply.

If no write concern is provided in command_opts, the collection's write concern is used.

See mongoc_index_opt_t for options on creating indexes.

Errors are propagated via the error parameter.

Returns true if successful. Returns false and sets error if there are invalid arguments or a server or network error.

reply is always initialized and must be destroyed with bson_destroy(). If the server is running an obsolete version of MongoDB then reply may be empty, though it will still be initialized.

MongoDB, Inc

2017-present, MongoDB, Inc

March 31, 2024 1.26.0