mongoc_server_description_t **
mongoc_client_get_server_descriptions (const mongoc_client_t *client,
                                       size_t *n) BSON_GNUC_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT;

Fetches an array of mongoc_server_description_t structs for all known servers in the topology. Returns no servers until the client connects. Returns a single server if the client is directly connected, or all members of a replica set if the client's MongoDB URI includes a "replicaSet" option, or all known mongos servers if the MongoDB URI includes a list of them.

show_servers (const mongoc_client_t *client)
   bson_t *b = BCON_NEW ("ping", BCON_INT32 (1));
   bson_error_t error;
   bool r;
   mongoc_server_description_t **sds;
   size_t i, n;
   /* ensure client has connected */
   r = mongoc_client_command_simple (client, "db", b, NULL, NULL, &error);
   if (!r) {
      MONGOC_ERROR ("could not connect: %s\n", error.message);
   sds = mongoc_client_get_server_descriptions (client, &n);
   for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
      printf ("%s\n", mongoc_server_description_host (sds[i])->host_and_port);
   mongoc_server_descriptions_destroy_all (sds, n);
   bson_destroy (&b);

  • client: A mongoc_client_t.
  • n: Receives the length of the descriptions array.

A newly allocated array that must be freed with mongoc_server_descriptions_destroy_all().

MongoDB, Inc

2017-present, MongoDB, Inc

March 31, 2024 1.26.0