Please use mongoc_client_get_database_names_with_opts() in new code.
char ** mongoc_client_get_database_names (mongoc_client_t *client, bson_error_t *error) BSON_GNUC_WARN_UNUSED_RESULT BSON_GNUC_DEPRECATED_FOR (mongoc_client_get_database_names_with_opts);
This function queries the MongoDB server for a list of known databases.
This function is considered a retryable read operation. Upon a transient error (a network error, errors due to replica set failover, etc.) the operation is safely retried once. If retryreads is false in the URI (see mongoc_uri_t) the retry behavior does not apply.
Errors are propagated via the error parameter.
A NULL terminated vector of NULL-byte terminated strings. The result should be freed with bson_strfreev().
NULL is returned upon failure and error is set.
MongoDB, Inc
2017-present, MongoDB, Inc
March 31, 2024 | 1.26.0 |