mongoc_change_stream_error_document (mongoc_change_stream_t *stream,
                                     bson_error_t *err,
                                     const bson_t **reply);

Checks if an error has occurred when creating or iterating over a change stream.

Similar to mongoc_cursor_error_document() if the error has occurred client-side then the reply will be set to an empty BSON document. If the error occurred server-side, reply is set to the server's reply document.

  • stream: A mongoc_change_stream_t.
  • err: An optional location for a bson_error_t or NULL.
  • reply: A location for a bson_t.

A boolean indicating if there was an error.

MongoDB, Inc

2017-present, MongoDB, Inc

March 31, 2024 1.26.0