lines(3U) InterViews Reference Manual lines(3U)

Point, Line, MultiLine, S_MultiLine, SF_MultiLine - structured graphics classes for points, lines, and open polygons

#include <Unidraw/Graphic/lines.h>

Point and Line are subclasses of Graphic that draw a point and a line, respectively. MultiLine is a Vertices subclass that serves as an abstract base class for open polygons: S_MultiLine is a MultiLine subclass for stroked open polygons, while SF_MultiLine is a stroked-filled open polygon. Point, Line, and S_MultiLine store a PSBrush, while SF_MultiLine also stores a PSPattern.

Construct a Point object, optionally supplying a graphic from which to obtain an initial set of graphics state.
Return the coordinates supplied in the constructor.

Construct a Line object, optionally supplying a graphic from which to obtain an initial set of graphics state.
Return the line's endpoints as supplied in the constructor.

MultiLine's constructor is protected to prevent instantiation of the abstract base class. The parameters are passed directly to the Vertices constructor.

Construct an S_MultiLine object, optionally supplying a graphic from which to obtain an initial set of graphics state.

Construct an SF_MultiLine object, optionally supplying a graphic from which to obtain an initial set of graphics state.

Graphic(3U), Vertices(3U), pspaint(3U)

2 February 1991 Unidraw