libmemcached_examples - libmemcached Documentation

Examples for libmemcached

For full examples, test cases are found in tests/*.c in the main distribution. These are always up to date, and are used for each test run of the library.

const char *config_string =
  " "
  " "
memcached_st *memc= memcached(config_string, strlen(config_string);
  // ...

In the above code you create a memcached_st object with three server by making use of memcached_create().

const char *config_string =
  " "
  " "
memcached_pool_st* pool= memcached_pool(config_string, strlen(config_string));
memcached_return_t rc;
memcached_st *memc= memcached_pool_pop(pool, false, &rc);
// .... do work
  Release the memc_ptr that was pulled from the pool
memcached_pool_push(pool, memc);
  Destroy the pool.

In the above code you create a memcached_pool_st object with three server by making use of memcached_pool().

When memcached_pool_destroy() all memory will be released that is associated with the pool.

char *key= "foo";
char *value= "value";
time_t expires = 0;
uint32_t flags = 0;
memcached_return_t rc = memcached_set(memc,
                                     key, strlen(key),
                                     value, value_length,
                                     expires, flags);
    // handle failure

It is best practice to always look at the return value of any operation.

memcached_return_t rc;
char *keys[]= {"fudge", "son", "food"};
size_t key_length[]= {5, 3, 4};
unsigned int x;
uint32_t flags;
char return_key[MEMCACHED_MAX_KEY];
size_t return_key_length;
char *return_value;
size_t return_value_length;
rc= memcached_mget(memc, keys, key_length, 3);
x= 0;
while ((return_value= memcached_fetch(memc, return_key, &return_key_length,
                                 &return_value_length, &flags, &rc)))

Notice that you freed values returned from memcached_fetch(). The define MEMCACHED_MAX_KEY is provided for usage.


March 31, 2024 1.1