libglpk-java(3) libglpk-java overview libglpk-java(3)

libglpk-java - GNU Linear Programming Kit Java Binding

The GNU Linear Programming Kit (GLPK) package supplies a solver for large scale linear programming (LP) and mixed integer programming (MIP). The GLPK project is hosted at

It has two mailing lists:

- and

To subscribe to one of these lists, please, send an empty mail with a Subject: header line of just "subscribe" to the list.

GLPK provides a library written in C and a standalone solver. The source code provided at contains the documentation of the library in file doc/glpk.pdf.

The Java platform provides the Java Native Interface (JNI) to integrate non-Java language libraries into Java applications.

Project GLPK for Java delivers a Java Binding for GLPK. It is hosted at

To report problems and suggestions concerning GLPK for Java, please, send an email to the author at

A GLPK for Java application will consist of the following

- the GLPK library
- the GLPK for Java JNI library
- the GLPK for Java class library
- the application code.

The GLPK library can be compiled from source code. Follow the instructions in file INSTALL provided in the source distribution. Precompiled packages are available in many Linux distributions.

The usual installation path for the library is /usr/local/lib/ The library has to be in the search path for binaries.

The GLPK for Java JNI library can be compiled from source code. Follow the instructions in file INSTALL provided in the source distribution.

The usual installation path for the library is /usr/local/lib/jni/ The library has to be in the search path for binaries. Specify the library path upon invocation of the application, e.g.

java -Djava.library.path=/usr/local/lib/jni

The source code to compile the GLPK for Java class library is provided at

The GLPK for Java class library can be compiled from source code. Follow the instructions in file INSTALL provided in the source distribution. The usual installation path for the library is /usr/local/share/java/glpk-java.jar.

The library has to be in the CLASSPATH. Specify the classpath upon invocation of the application, e.g.

java -classpath /usr/local/share/java/glpk-java.jar;.

Further documentation and examples can be found in the documentation path, which defaults to /usr/local/share/doc/libglpk-java.

February 16th, 2018 version 1.12.0