ldap_get_option, ldap_set_option - LDAP option handling
OpenLDAP LDAP (libldap, -lldap)
#include <ldap.h>
int ldap_get_option(LDAP *ld, int option, void *outvalue);
int ldap_set_option(LDAP *ld, int option, const void *invalue);
These routines provide access to options stored either in a LDAP
handle or as global options, where applicable. They make use of a neutral
interface, where the type of the value either retrieved by
ldap_get_option(3) or set by ldap_set_option(3) is cast to
void *. The actual type is determined based on the value of the
option argument. Global options are set/retrieved by passing a NULL
LDAP handle. LDAP handles inherit their default settings from the global
options in effect at the time the handle is created.
- Fills-in a LDAPAPIFeatureInfo; outvalue must be a
LDAPAPIFeatureInfo *, pointing to an already allocated struct. The
ldapaif_info_version field of the struct must be initialized to
LDAP_FEATURE_INFO_VERSION before making the call. The
ldapaif_name field must be set to the name of a feature to query.
This is a read-only option.
- Fills-in a LDAPAPIInfo; outvalue must be a LDAPAPIInfo
*, pointing to an already allocated struct. The
ldapai_info_version field of the struct must be initialized to
LDAP_API_INFO_VERSION before making the call. If the version passed
in does not match the current library version, the expected version number
will be stored in the struct and the call will fail. The caller is
responsible for freeing the elements of the ldapai_extensions array
and the array itself using ldap_memfree(3). The caller must also
free the ldapi_vendor_name. This is a read-only option.
- Sets/gets the client-side controls to be used for all operations. This is
now deprecated as modern LDAP C API provides replacements for all main
operations which accepts client-side controls as explicit arguments; see
for example ldap_search_ext(3), ldap_add_ext(3),
ldap_modify_ext(3) and so on. outvalue must be
LDAPControl ***, and the caller is responsible of freeing the
returned controls, if any, by calling ldap_controls_free(3), while
invalue must be LDAPControl *const *; the library duplicates
the controls passed via invalue.
- Sets/gets the status of the asynchronous connect flag. invalue
should either be LDAP_OPT_OFF or LDAP_OPT_ON;
outvalue must be int *. When set, the library will call
connect(2) and return, without waiting for response. This leaves
the handle in a connecting state. Subsequent calls to library routines
will poll for completion of the connect before performing further
operations. As a consequence, library calls that need to establish a
connection with a DSA do not block even for the network timeout (option
LDAP_OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT). This option is OpenLDAP specific.
- This option allows to set a connect callback. invalue must be a
const struct ldap_conncb *. Callbacks are executed in last in-first
served order. Handle-specific callbacks are executed first, followed by
global ones. Right before freeing the callback structure, the
lc_del callback handler is passed a NULL Sockbuf.
Calling ldap_get_option(3) for this option removes the callback
whose pointer matches outvalue. This option is OpenLDAP
- Sets/gets the debug level of the client library. invalue must be a
const int *; outvalue must be a int *. Valid debug
LDAP_DEBUG_TRACE. This option is OpenLDAP specific.
- Sets/gets a string containing the DN to be used as default base for search
operations. outvalue must be a char **, and the caller is
responsible of freeing the returned string by calling
ldap_memfree(3), while invalue must be a const char
*; the library duplicates the corresponding string. This option is
OpenLDAP specific.
- Sets/gets the value that defines when alias dereferencing must occur.
invalue must be const int *; outvalue must be int
*. They cannot be NULL. The value of *invalue should be one of
ever been the only means to determine alias dereferencing within search
- Returns the file descriptor associated to the socket buffer of the LDAP
handle passed in as ld; outvalue must be a int *.
This is a read-only, handle-specific option.
- Sets/gets a string containing the error string associated to the LDAP
handle. This option was formerly known as LDAP_OPT_ERROR_STRING.
outvalue must be a char **, and the caller is responsible of
freeing the returned string by calling ldap_memfree(3), while
invalue must be a char *; the library duplicates the
corresponding string.
- Sets/gets a space-separated list of hosts to be contacted by the library
when trying to establish a connection. This is now deprecated in favor of
LDAP_OPT_URI. outvalue must be a char **, and the
caller is responsible of freeing the resulting string by calling
ldap_memfree(3), while invalue must be a const char
*; the library duplicates the corresponding string.
- Sets/gets a string containing the matched DN associated to the LDAP
handle. outvalue must be a char **, and the caller is
responsible of freeing the returned string by calling
ldap_memfree(3), while invalue must be a const char
*; the library duplicates the corresponding string.
- Sets/gets the network timeout value after which
poll(2)/select(2) following a connect(2) returns in
case of no activity. outvalue must be a struct timeval **
(the caller has to free *outvalue using ldap_memfree(3)),
and invalue must be a const struct timeval *. They cannot be
NULL. Using a struct with seconds set to -1 results in an infinite
timeout, which is the default. This option is OpenLDAP specific.
- Sets/gets the protocol version. outvalue and invalue must be
int *.
- Sets/gets an array containing the referral URIs associated to the LDAP
handle. outvalue must be a char ***, and the caller is
responsible of freeing the returned string by calling
ldap_memvfree(3), while invalue must be a NULL-terminated
char *const *; the library duplicates the corresponding string.
This option is OpenLDAP specific.
- Determines whether the library should implicitly chase referrals or not.
invalue must be const int *; its value should either be
LDAP_OPT_OFF or LDAP_OPT_ON. outvalue must be int
- Determines whether the library should implicitly restart connections
(FIXME). invalue must be const int *; its value should
either be LDAP_OPT_OFF or LDAP_OPT_ON. outvalue must
be int *.
- Sets/gets the LDAP result code associated to the handle. This option was
formerly known as LDAP_OPT_ERROR_NUMBER. invalue must be a
const int *. outvalue must be a int *.
- Sets/gets the server-side controls to be used for all operations. This is
now deprecated as modern LDAP C API provides replacements for all main
operations which accepts server-side controls as explicit arguments; see
for example ldap_search_ext(3), ldap_add_ext(3),
ldap_modify_ext(3) and so on. outvalue must be
LDAPControl ***, and the caller is responsible of freeing the
returned controls, if any, by calling ldap_controls_free(3), while
invalue must be LDAPControl *const *; the library duplicates
the controls passed via invalue.
- Returns the reference count associated with the LDAP handle passed in as
ld; outvalue must be a int *. This is a read-only,
handle-specific option. This option is OpenLDAP specific.
- Sets/gets the value that defines the maximum number of entries to be
returned by a search operation. invalue must be const int *,
while outvalue must be int *; They cannot be NULL.
- Returns a pointer to the socket buffer of the LDAP handle passed in as
ld; outvalue must be a Sockbuf **. This is a
read-only, handle-specific option. This option is OpenLDAP specific.
- Sets/gets a space-separated list of IP Addresses used as binding interface
to remote server when trying to establish a connection. Only one valid
IPv4 address and/or one valid IPv6 address are allowed in the list.
outvalue must be a char **, and the caller is responsible of
freeing the returned string by calling ldap_memfree(3), while
invalue must be a const char *; the library duplicates the
corresponding string.
- Sets/gets the value that defines the time limit after which a search
operation should be terminated by the server. invalue must be
const int *, while outvalue must be int *, and they
cannot be NULL.
- Sets/gets a timeout value for the synchronous API calls. outvalue
must be a struct timeval ** (the caller has to free
*outvalue using ldap_memfree(3)), and invalue must be
a struct timeval *, and they cannot be NULL. Using a struct with
seconds set to -1 results in an infinite timeout, which is the default.
This option is OpenLDAP specific.
- Sets/gets a comma- or space-separated list of URIs to be contacted by the
library when trying to establish a connection. outvalue must be a
char **, and the caller is responsible of freeing the resulting
string by calling ldap_memfree(3), while invalue must be a
const char *; the library parses the string into a list of
LDAPURLDesc structures, so the invocation of
ldap_set_option(3) may fail if URL parsing fails. URIs may only
contain the schema, the host, and the port fields.
This option is OpenLDAP specific.
- Instructs ldap_result(3) to keep the connection open on read error
or if Notice of Disconnection is received. In these cases, the connection
should be closed by the caller. This option is OpenLDAP specific.
- Allows to configure TCP_USER_TIMEOUT in milliseconds on the connection,
overriding the operating system setting. This option is OpenLDAP specific
and supported only on Linux 2.6.37 or higher. invalue must be a
const unsigned int *; outvalue must be an unsigned int
The SASL options are OpenLDAP specific and unless otherwise noted,
require an LDAP handle to be passed.
- Gets the SASL authentication identity; outvalue must be a char
**, its content needs to be freed by the caller using
- Gets the SASL authorization identity; outvalue must be a char
**, its content needs to be freed by the caller using
- Gets/sets SASL maximum buffer size; invalue must be const
ber_len_t *, while outvalue must be ber_len_t *. See
- Gets the SASL mechanism; outvalue must be a char **, its
content needs to be freed by the caller using ldap_memfree(3).
- Gets the list of the available mechanisms, in form of a NULL-terminated
array of strings; outvalue must be char ***. The caller must
not free or otherwise muck with it. This option can be used globally.
- Sets/gets the NOCANON flag. When unset, the hostname is canonicalized.
invalue must be const int *; its value should either be
LDAP_OPT_OFF or LDAP_OPT_ON. outvalue must be int
- Gets the SASL realm; outvalue must be a char **, its content
needs to be freed by the caller using ldap_memfree(3).
- Sets the SASL secprops; invalue must be a char *, containing
a comma-separated list of properties. Legal values are: none,
nodict, noplain, noactive, passcred,
forwardsec, noanonymous, minssf=<minssf>,
maxssf=<maxssf>, maxbufsize=<maxbufsize>.
- Gets the SASL SSF; outvalue must be a ber_len_t *.
- Sets the SASL SSF value related to an authentication performed using an
EXTERNAL mechanism; invalue must be a const ber_len_t
- Gets/sets SASL maximum SSF; invalue must be const ber_len_t
*, while outvalue must be ber_len_t *. See also
- Gets/sets SASL minimum SSF; invalue must be const ber_len_t
*, while outvalue must be ber_len_t *. See also
- Gets the SASL username; outvalue must be a char **. Its
content needs to be freed by the caller using ldap_memfree(3).
- Sets/gets the channel-binding type to use in SASL, one of
"tls-server-end-point" from RFC 5929, compatible with Windows.
invalue must be const int *; outvalue must be int
The TCP options are OpenLDAP specific. Mainly intended for use
with Linux, they may not be portable.
- Sets/gets the number of seconds a connection needs to remain idle before
TCP starts sending keepalive probes. invalue must be const int
*; outvalue must be int *.
- Sets/gets the maximum number of keepalive probes TCP should send before
dropping the connection. invalue must be const int *;
outvalue must be int *.
- Sets/gets the interval in seconds between individual keepalive probes.
invalue must be const int *; outvalue must be int
The TLS options are OpenLDAP specific.
- Sets/gets the path of the directories containing CA certificates. Multiple
directories may be specified, separated by a semi-colon. invalue
must be const char *; outvalue must be char **, and
its contents need to be freed by the caller using
- Sets/gets the full-path of the CA certificate file. invalue must be
const char *; outvalue must be char **, and its
contents need to be freed by the caller using ldap_memfree(3).
- Sets/gets the full-path of the certificate file. invalue must be
const char *; outvalue must be char **, and its
contents need to be freed by the caller using ldap_memfree(3).
- Gets the cipher being used on an established TLS session. outvalue
must be char **, and its contents need to be freed by the caller
using ldap_memfree(3).
- Sets/gets the allowed cipher suite. invalue must be const char
*; outvalue must be char **, and its contents need to be
freed by the caller using ldap_memfree(3).
- Sets/gets the connection callback argument. invalue must be
const void *; outvalue must be void **.
- Sets/gets the connection callback handle. invalue must be const
- Sets/gets the CRL evaluation strategy, one of
LDAP_OPT_X_TLS_CRL_ALL. invalue must be const int *;
outvalue must be int *. Requires OpenSSL.
- Sets/gets the full-path of the CRL file. invalue must be const
char *; outvalue must be char **, and its contents need
to be freed by the caller using ldap_memfree(3). This option is
only valid for GnuTLS.
- Sets/gets the TLS library context. New TLS sessions will inherit their
default settings from this library context. invalue must be
const void *; outvalue must be void **. When using
the OpenSSL library this is an SSL_CTX*. When using other crypto libraries
this is a pointer to an OpenLDAP private structure. Applications generally
should not use this option or attempt to manipulate this structure.
- Gets/sets the full-path of the file containing the parameters for
Diffie-Hellman ephemeral key exchange. invalue must be const
char *; outvalue must be char **, and its contents need
to be freed by the caller using ldap_memfree(3).
- Gets/sets the name of the curve(s) used for elliptic curve key exchanges.
invalue must be const char *; outvalue must be
char **, and its contents need to be freed by the caller using
ldap_memfree(3). Ignored by GnuTLS. In GnuTLS a curve may be
selected in the cipher suite specification.
- Sets/gets the full-path of the certificate key file. invalue must
be const char *; outvalue must be char **, and its
contents need to be freed by the caller using ldap_memfree(3).
- Instructs the library to create a new TLS library context. invalue
must be const int *. A non-zero value pointed to by invalue
tells the library to create a context for a server.
- Gets the peer's certificate in DER format from an established TLS session.
outvalue must be struct berval *, and the data it returns
needs to be freed by the caller using ldap_memfree(3).
- Sets/gets the maximum protocol version. invalue must be const
int *; outvalue must be int *.
- Sets/gets the minimum protocol version. invalue must be const
int *; outvalue must be int *.
- Sets/gets the random file when /dev/random and /dev/urandom
are not available. invalue must be const char *;
outvalue must be char **, and its contents need to be freed
by the caller using ldap_memfree(3). Ignored by GnuTLS older than
version 2.2.
- Sets/gets the peer certificate checking strategy, one of
- Sets/gets the peer certificate subjectAlternativeName checking strategy,
- Gets the TLS session context associated with this handle. outvalue
must be void **. When using the OpenSSL library this is an SSL*.
When using other crypto libraries this is a pointer to an OpenLDAP private
structure. Applications generally should not use this option.
- Gets the TLS version being used on an established TLS session.
outvalue must be char **, and its contents need to be freed
by the caller using ldap_memfree(3).
- Sets the (public) key that the application expects the peer to be using.
invalue must be const char * containing the base64 encoding
of the expected peer's key or in the format <hashalg>:<peerkey
hash base64 encoded> where as a TLS session is established, the
library will hash the peer's key with the provided hash algorithm and
compare it with value provided and will only allow the session to continue
if they match. This happens regardless of certificate checking strategy.
The list of supported hashalg values depends on the crypto library
used, check its documentation to get a list.
On success, the functions return LDAP_OPT_SUCCESS, while
they may return LDAP_OPT_ERROR to indicate a generic option handling
error. Occasionally, more specific errors can be returned, like
LDAP_NO_MEMORY to indicate a failure in memory allocation.
The LDAP libraries with the LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS option set
to LDAP_OPT_ON (default value) automatically follow referrals using
an anonymous bind. Application developers are encouraged to either implement
consistent referral chasing features, or explicitly disable referral chasing
by setting that option to LDAP_OPT_OFF.
The protocol version used by the library defaults to LDAPv2 (now
historic), which corresponds to the LDAP_VERSION2 macro. Application
developers are encouraged to explicitly set LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION
to LDAPv3, using the LDAP_VERSION3 macro, or to allow users to select
the protocol version.
ldap(3), ldap_error(3), RFC 4422
OpenLDAP Software is developed and maintained by The
OpenLDAP Project <http://www.openldap.org/>. OpenLDAP Software
is derived from the University of Michigan LDAP 3.3 Release.