iscsi_strerror(3) API Manual iscsi_strerror(3)

iscsi_strerror - Convert error code to string.

const char * iscsi_strerror (int rc);

int. Return code by libiscsiur functions. When provided error code is not a valid error code, return "Invalid argument".

Convert error code (int) to string (const char *):


* LIBISCSI_ERR_BUG -- "BUG of libopeniscsiusr library"

* LIBISCSI_ERR_SESS_NOT_FOUND - "Specified iSCSI session not found"

* LIBISCSI_ERR_ACCESS - "Permission deny"

* LIBISCSI_ERR_NOMEM - "Out of memory"

* LIBISCSI_ERR_SYSFS_LOOKUP - "Could not lookup object in sysfs"

* Other invalid error number -- "Invalid argument"

const char *. The meaning of provided error code. Don't free returned pointer.

iscsi_strerror September 2024