INIT3D - Draws an isosurface when used in conjunction with entry DANDR.
This routine is part of the obsolete Isosrfhr utility. Isosrfhr has been replaced by the Isosurface utility. To see the Isosurface utility overview man page, type "man isosurface".
GIVEN USE NU NV NW NX NY -------------------------------- 100 100 60 200 200 60 60 60 110 110 40 40 40 75 75
All coordinates should be in a range between 10. and 1010.
Entries INIT3D and DANDR must be used in tandem to create a plot. First call entry INIT3D to create a set of 2-D perspective planes which are output to a scratch file. Then, in the calling program you must loop over the U dimension of UVW space starting at the last slab, NU, and moving forward to slab 1. Initially set all elements of IOBJS to zeros. Then, at all locations (J,K) where the surface of an object would appear, set IOBJS(J,K) = 1. When IOBJS(J,K) has been defined for that VW slab (U = NU - I + 1), call the entry DANDR, which draws any object contours based on the 2-D perspective defined for that slab.
An Isosrfhr example of the logical structure of a program follows:
C Entry INIT3D writes NU 2-D perspective planes, ST1(NV,NW,2), C of the UVW grid, viewed from the position EYE, to a scratch file. C CALL INIT3D(EYE,NU,NV,NW,ST1,LX,NY,IS2,IU,S) C C NU is the extent of the U dimension. C DO 1 IBKWDS = 1,NU I = NU+1-IBKWDS C C You must define the presence of the objects at each VW grid point for C all slabs in the U direction. Ones are used to indicate the presence C of an object. Zeros indicate no object. C C IF (OBJ.EQ.YES) IOBJS(J,K) = 1 C IF (OBJ.EQ.NO) IOBJS(J,K) = 0 C C DANDR reads ST1(NV,NW,2) for slab I. C 1 CALL DANDR(NV,NW,ST1,LX,NX,NY,IS2,IU,S,IOBJS,MV)
Use the ncargex command to see the following relevant examples: tisohr
To use INIT3D load the NCAR Graphics libraries ncarg, ncarg_gks, and ncarg_c, preferably in that order.
Online: isosrfhr, dandr, isosurface, isosurface_params, ezisos, isgeti, isgetr, isseti, issetr, pwrzi, ncarg_cbind
Copyright (C) 1987-2009
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.
March 1993 | UNIX |