FBB::HMacBuf - Computes HMAC Message Digests from information
inserted into a std::ostream
#include <bobcat/hmacbuf>
Linking option: -lbobcat -lcrypto
FBB::HMacBuf objects are std::streambuf objects that
can be used to initialize std::ostream objects with.
All information inserted into such a std::ostream is used
to compute a message HMAC.
All the message digest and cipher algorithms defined by the
OpenSSL library that can be selected by name, may be used in combination
with HMacBuf objects.
For the currently supported message digest algorithms issue the
openssl list -digest-commands
For the currently supported message cipher algorithms issue the command
openssl list -cipher-commands
The defaults used by HMacBuf constructors are the sha256 digest
algorithm and the aes-128-cbc cipher algorithm.
All constructors, members, operators and manipulators, mentioned in this
man-page, are defined in the namespace FBB.
- o
- HMacBuf():
The default constructor defines a HmacBuf object. It can be used once
a non-default constructed HMacBuf object has been move-assigned to
- o
- HMacBuf(HMacBuf &&tmp):
The move constructor initialized a HmacBuf object by moving
tmp into the current HMacBuf object;
- o
- HMacBuf(std::string const &key, char const *digest, size_t
This constructor initializes the streambuf, setting it up for the message
digest algorithm specified with digest. E.g., to use the sha256
algorithm specify "sha256".
- The constructor’s first argument defines the key to be used when
computing the HMAC message digest. The key’s length must be 16
characters. An exception is thrown if an empty key is specified.
- The bufsize argument specifies the size (in bytes) of the internal
buffer used by HMacBuf to store incoming characters temporarily. A
value of 1024 should be OK for all normal cases;
- o
- HMacBuf(std::string const &key, char const *cipher =
"aes-128-cbc", char const *digest = "sha256",
size_t bufsize = 1024):
Like the previous constructor, but this one offers defaults for the cipher
and digest algorithms and buffer size. When specifying another cipher
algorithm the key length must match the cipher requirement. Usually the
cipher’s name contains a number (like 128), which can be divided by
8 to obtain the required key length of fixed-key length ciphers.
- o
- HMacBuf &operator=(HMacBuf &&rhs):
The move assignment operator moves the rhs HMacBuf object into the
current object;
- o
- std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &out,
HMacBuf const &hmacbuf):
The insertion operator is a free function defined in the namespace
FBB. It inserts a hash value as a series of hexadecimally displayed
values into the provided ostream. See the example below for an
All members of std::streambuf are available, as
FBB::HMacBuf inherits from this class.
- o
- std::string const &hash() const:
This member returns the hash value computed by the HMacBuf object.
Its value is only defined after having called close(). The hash
value is returned in a std::string object. This string’s
length() member contains the number of characters used by the hash
value, and its data() member refers to the hash value’s
characters. Note that a hash value’s character value may be 0 (not
to be confused with ’0’).
- When called from a default constructed HMacBuf object an empty
string is returned;
- o
- void reset():
This member reinitializes the message hmac computation. One a message hmac
has been computed for, say a stream streamA this member can be
called after which the hmac for a stream streamB can be computed
using the same HMacBuf object.
- No action is performed When called from a default constructed
HMacBuf object;
- o
- void eoi():
This member can be called to complete the message digest computation.
Instead of calling this member the eoi manipulator (see below) can
be used.
- o
- FBB::eoi:
The eoi manipulator can be inserted into the ostream to
complete the digest computation. If it is inserted into a plain
std::ostream nothing happens.
- eoi can also be called as a function, receiving the stream that
uses the HMacBuf as its streambuf, but it must be called
either way as the HMacBuf object itself cannot decide whether all
information to compute the digest for has yet been received or not. The
general approach for computing a message hmac is therefore:
1. create a HMacBuf object
2. use it to create a std::ostream object
3. insert information into the ostream object
4. call the HMacBuf object’s eoi() member or insert eoi into the ostream
5. obtain/process the hash value from the HMacBuf object.
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <bobcat/hmacbuf>
using namespace std;
using namespace FBB;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// using the default (sha256) digest algorithm
if (argc == 1)
throw Exception{} <<
"Usage: arg1: 16-byte key, arg2: file to process,\n"
" arg3 (opt) buf size (default 1024)";
HMacBuf hmacbuf{ argv[1], "aes-128-cbc", "sha256",
argc == 3 ? 1024 : stoul(argv[3]) };
HMacBuf empty; // Demo: an empty HMacBuf
empty = HMacBuf{ argv[1], "sha256", 100 }; // Demo: move assignmeent
ostream out(&hmacbuf); // the ostream receiving the
// input to compute the hmac of
ifstream in{ argv[2] }; // the file to process
out << in.rdbuf() << eoi; // compute the hmac
// and show the hmac value
cout << " computed hmac value: >" << hmacbuf << "<\n";
in.seekg(0); // to illustrate ’reset’: do it
hmacbuf.reset(); // again
out << in.rdbuf();
eoi(out); // calling eoi as a function
cout << "recomputed hmac value: >" << hmacbuf << "<\n";
catch(exception const &err)
cout << err.what() << endl;
return errno;
bobcat/hmacbuf - defines the class interface
bobcat(7), digestbuf(3bobcat),
- o
- https://fbb-git.gitlab.io/bobcat/: gitlab project page;
- o
- bobcat_6.04.00-x.dsc: detached signature;
- o
- bobcat_6.04.00-x.tar.gz: source archive;
- o
- bobcat_6.04.00-x_i386.changes: change log;
- o
- libbobcat1_6.04.00-x_*.deb: debian package containing the
- o
- libbobcat1-dev_6.04.00-x_*.deb: debian package containing the
libraries, headers and manual pages;
Bobcat is an acronym of `Brokken’s Own Base Classes And
This is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU
General Public License (GPL).
Frank B. Brokken (f.b.brokken@rug.nl).