HASHKIT_VALUE(3) libmemcached-awesome HASHKIT_VALUE(3)

hashkit_value - libhashkit Documentation

#include <libhashkit-1.0/hashkit.h>
Compile and link with -lhashkit

  • hash -- pointer to an initialized hashkit_st struct
  • key -- the key to genereate a hash of
  • key_length -- the length of the key without any terminating zero byte

The hashkit_value() function generates a 32-bit hash value from the given key and key_length. The hash argument is an initialized hashkit object, and distribution type and hash function is used from this object while generating the value.

A 32-bit hash value.

libhashkit(3) hashkit_create(3) hashkit_function(3) hashkit_functions(3)

March 31, 2024 1.1