GUWK (Update workstation) - Insures that the workstation is current and reflects all requests that have been made.


#include <ncarg/gks.h>

void gupd_ws(Gint ws_id, Gupd_regen_flag upd_regen_flag);

(Integer, Input) - A number identifying the workstation to be updated. WKID must be the same as that used in some previous GOPWK call.
(Integer, Input) - A flag to specify if the current picture should be regenerated. The possible values for this are "0" for postpone, and "1" for perform. For the workstation types supported in NCAR GKS, this flag should always be set to "0".

A call to GUWK flushes all GKS buffers to bring the workstation up to date. GUWK does not flush any NCAR Graphics buffers that sit above GKS such as the pen-move buffer in SPPS (see the man page for plotif).

To use GKS routines, load the NCAR GKS-0A library ncarg_gks.

Online: sflush, plotif, gupd_ws

Hardcopy: User's Guide for NCAR GKS-0A Graphics; NCAR Graphics Fundamentals, UNIX Version

Copyright (C) 1987-2009
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.

March 1993 UNIX