GRAPHMAT++(3) Library Functions Manual GRAPHMAT++(3)

-, +, len - Syntatic simple interface to graphmat.

#include <graphmat++.h>
hvec2_t	operator-(const hvec2_t &)
hvec2_t	operator-(const hvec2_t &, const hvec2_t &)
hvec2_t	operator+(const hvec2_t &, const hvec2_t &)
hvec2_t	operator*(const hmat2_t &, const hvec2_t &)
hvec2_t	operator*(double, const hvec2_t &)
hvec2_t	operator/(const hvec2_t &, double)
const hvec2_t &operator+=(hvec2_t &, const hvec2_t &)
const hvec2_t &operator-=(hvec2_t &, const hvec2_t &)
const hvec2_t &operator*=(hvec2_t &, double)
const hvec2_t &operator/=(hvec2_t &, double)
double	len(const hvec2_t &)

These routines ar an addition to grapmat(3). Actually, it are just some inline calls to the graphmat(3) equivalents.

graphmat(3), graphadd(3), Graphics and matrix routines.

Only available in C++
Code is in the C++ util files.

A lot more should be implemented! (It's easy, any volunteers? :-) Also the hvec3_t and hmat* versions should exsist.

Klamer Schutte

20 October 1992