genders_index_attrvals - internally index attribute values in genders

#include <genders.h>

int genders_index_attrvals(genders_t handle, const char *attr);

genders_index_attrvals() internally indexes attribute values in a genders handle so that genders searches can be done more quickly in the genders_getnodes(3) and genders_isattrval(3) functions.

Only one attribute can be indexed at a time through this function. Subsequent calls to this function with a different attribute will overwrite earlier indexes.

On success, 0 is returned. On error, -1 is returned, and an error code is returned in handle. The error code can be retrieved via genders_errnum(3) , and a description of the error code can be retrieved via genders_strerror(3). Error codes are defined in genders.h.

The handle parameter is NULL. The genders handle must be created with genders_handle_create(3).
genders_load_data(3) has not been called to load genders data.
An incorrect parameter has been passed in.
The attribute pointed to by attr cannot be found in the genders file.
malloc(3) has failed internally, system is out of memory.
handle has an incorrect magic number. handle does not point to a genders handle or handle has been destroyed by genders_handle_destroy(3).
An internal system error has occurred.


libgenders(3), genders_handle_create(3), genders_load_data(3), genders_getnodes(3), genders_isattrval(3), genders_errnum(3), genders_strerror(3)

August 2003 LLNL