FORMATSTR(3) formatstr 1.6 FORMATSTR(3)

formatstr - String Formatter object

Object used to format base objects into strings. It extends the functionality of the string Formatter object to include new modifiers for different objects. Some of these new modifiers include conversion of strings into a sequence of hex characters, conversion of strings to their corresponding CRC32 or CRC16 representation.

String Formatter object
FormatStr() -> New string formatter object
    from formatstr import FormatStr
    x = FormatStr()
    out = x.format(fmt_spec, *args, **kwargs)
    out = x.vformat(fmt_spec, args, kwargs)
    Arguments should be surrounded by curly braces {}, anything that is
    not contained in curly braces is considered literal text which is
    copied unchanged to the output.
    Positional arguments to be used in the format spec are specified
    by their index: {0}, {1}, etc.
    Named arguments to be used in the format spec are specified by
    their name: {name1}, {name2}, etc.
    Modifiers are specified after the positional index or name preceded
    by a ":", "{0:#x}" -- display first positional argument in hex
    # Format string using positional arguments
    out = x.format("{0} -> {1}", a, b)
    # Format string using named arguments
    out = x.format("{key}: {value}", key="id", value=32)
    # Format string using both positional and named arguments
    out = x.format("{key}: {value}, {0}, {1}", a, b, key="id", value=32)
    # Use vformat() method instead when positional arguments are given
    # as a list and named arguments are given as a dictionary
    # The following examples show the same as above
    pos_args = [a, b]
    named_args = {"key":"id", "value":32}
    out = x.vformat("{0} -> {1}", pos_args)
    out = x.vformat("{key}: {value}", named_args)
    out = x.vformat("{key}: {value}, {0}, {1}", pos_args, named_args)
    # Display string in hex
    out = x.format("{0:x}", "hello")  # out = "68656c6c6f"
    # Display string in hex with leading 0x
    out = x.format("{0:#x}", "hello") # out = "0x68656c6c6f"
    # Display string in crc32
    out = x.format("{0:crc32}", "hello") # out = "0x3610a686"
    # Display string in crc16
    out = x.format("{0:crc16}", "hello") # out = "0x9c62"
    # Display length of item
    out = x.format("{0:len}", "hello") # out = 5
    # Substring using "@" format modifier
    # Format {0:@sindex[,eindex]} is like value[sindex:eindex]
    #   {0:@3} is like value[3:]
    #   {0:@3,5} is like value[3:5]
    #   {0:.5} is like value[:5]
    out = x.format("{0:@3}", "hello") # out = "lo"
    out = x.format("{0:.2}", "hello") # out = "he"
    # Conditionally display the first format if argument is not None,
    # else the second format is displayed
    # Format: {0:?format1:format2}
    out = x.format("{0:?tuple({0}, {1})}", 1, 2)    # out = "tuple(1, 2)"
    out = x.format("{0:?tuple({0}, {1})}", None, 2) # out = ""
    # Using 'else' format (including the escaping of else character):
    out = x.format("{0:?sid{0}:NONE}", 5)    # out = "sid:5"
    out = x.format("{0:?sid{0}:NONE}", None) # out = "NONE"
    # Nested formatting for strings, where processing is done in
    # reversed order -- process the last format first
    # Format: {0:fmtN:...:fmt2:fmt1}
    #   Display substring of 4 bytes as hex (substring then hex)
    out = x.format("{0:#x:.4}", "hello") # out = "0x68656c6c"
    #   Display first 4 bytes of string in hex (hex then substring)
    out = x.format("{0:.4:#x}", "hello") # out = "0x68"
    # Integer extension to display umax name instead of the value
    # Format: {0:max32|umax32|max64|umax64}
    # Output: if value matches the largest number in format given,
    #         the max name is displayed, else the value is displayed
    out = x.format("{0:max32}", 0x7fffffff) # out = "max32"
    out = x.format("{0:max32}", 35)         # out = "35"
    # Number extension to display the value as an ordinal number
    # Format: {0:ord[:s]}
    # Output: display value as an ordinal number,
    #         use the ":s" option to display the short name
    out = x.format("{0:ord}", 3)    # out = "third"
    out = x.format("{0:ord:s}", 3)  # out = "3rd"
    # Number extension to display the value with units
    # Format: {0:units[.precision]}
    # Output: display value as a string with units, by default
    #         precision=2 and all trailing zeros are removed.
    #         To force the precision use a negative number.
    out = x.format("{0:units}", 1024)    # out = "1KB"
    out = x.format("{0:units.4}", 2000)  # out = "1.9531KB"
    out = x.format("{0:units.-2}", 1024) # out = "1.00KB"
    # Date extension for int, long or float
    # Format: {0:date[:datefmt]}
    #         The spec given by datefmt is converted using strftime()
    #         The conversion spec "%q" is used to display microseconds
    # Output: display value as a date
    stime = 1416846041.521868
    out = x.format("{0:date}", stime) # out = "Mon Nov 24 09:20:41 2014"
    out = x.format("{0:date:%Y-%m-%d}", stime) # out = "2014-11-24"
    # List format specification
    # Format: {0[[:listfmt]:itemfmt]}
    #   If one format spec, it is applied to each item in the list
    #   If two format specs, the first is the item separator and
    #   the second is the spec applied to each item in the list
    alist = [1, 2, 3, 0xffffffff]
    out = x.format("{0:umax32}", alist)    # out = "[1, 2, 3, umax32]"
    out = x.format("{0:--:umax32}", alist) # out = "1--2--3--umax32"
Methods defined here:
format_field(self, value, format_spec)
Override original method to include modifier extensions
get_value(self, key, args, kwargs)
Override original method to return "" when the positional argument
or named argument does not exist:
  x.format("0:{0}, 1:{1}, arg1:{arg1}, arg2:{arg2}", a, arg1=11)
  the {1} will return "" since there is only one positional argument
  the {arg2} will return "" since arg2 is not a named argument

Convert string to its crc16 representation
Convert string to its crc32 representation
Convert string to its hex representation
Convert string value with units to an integer
String to convert
    out = int_units("1MB") # out = 1048576
ordinal_number(value, short=0)
Return the ordinal number for the given integer
plural(word, count=2)
Return the plural of the word according to the given count
Convert the number of seconds to a string with a format of "[h:]mm:ss"
Time value to convert (in seconds)
    out = str_time(123.0) # out = "02:03"
    out = str_time(12345) # out = "3:25:45"
str_units(value, precision=2)
Convert number to a string value with units
Number to convert
Return string value with the following floating point
precision. By default no trailing zeros are returned
but if the precision is given as a negative number
the precision is enforced [default: 2]

No known bugs.

Jorge Mora (

21 March 2023 NFStest 3.2