dsgrid_params(3NCARG) NCAR GRAPHICS dsgrid_params(3NCARG)

dsgrid_params - This document briefly describes all the internal parameters of Dsgrid.

Each entry below includes the name of a parameter, its Fortran type (use the obvious equivalents for C), its default value, and a short description of the parameter.

´DMV´ - Real - any
A special value for data initialization and use with the dmx control parameter.
´DMX´ - Real - > 0.
Used in calculating weights - use only input data the distance dmx.
´ERF´ - Character - stderr
Error file.
´EXP´ - Real - > 0.
Power to use for inverse distances in computing weights.
´SHD´ - Integer - 0
Flag for controlling whether the shadowing feature is on (0 = no; 1 = yes).

dsgrid, dsgrid_params, dsgrid_errors, dsgrid2s, dsgrid3s, dsseti, dsgeti, dssetr dsgetr, dssetc, dsgetc, dspnt2s, dspnt3s, dsgrid2d, dsgrid3d, dssetrd dsgetrd, dspnt2d, dspnt3d, c_dsgrid2s, c_dsgrid3s, c_dsseti, c_dsgeti c_dssetr, c_dsgetr, c_dssetc, c_dsgetc, c_dspnt2s, c_dspnt3s, c_dsgrid2d c_dsgrid3d, c_dssetrd, c_dsgetrd, c_dspnt2d, c_dspnt3d.

Complete documentation for Dsgrid is available at URL

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University Corporation for Atmospheric Research

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September 1997-1998 UNIX