CPCLTR - Traces the contour lines at a given level and retrieves them for some sort of user-defined processing.
#include <ncarg/ncargC.h>
void c_cpcltr (float *zdat, float *rwrk, int *iwrk,
float clvl, int *ijmp, int *irw1, int *irw2, int *nrwk)
The first three arguments are arrays used in the last call to CPRECT, CPSPS1, or CPSPS2, the contents of which must not have been changed since that call.
The C-binding argument descriptions are the same as the FORTRAN argument descriptions.
The routine CPCLTR may be called at any time after the initialization call to CPRECT, CPSPS1, or CPSPS2. It is called using code like the following:
IJMP=0 101 CALL CPCLTR (ZDAT,RWRK,IWRK,CLEV,IJMP,IRW1,IRW2,NRWK) IF (IJMP.NE.0) THEN (PROCESS SEGMENT OF CONTOUR LINE FROM RWRK) GO TO 101 END IFCPCLTR is called repeatedly. Initially, IJMP is zeroed. Upon each return from CPCLTR, if the value of IJMP is non-zero, X and Y coordinates have been placed in the real workspace array RWRK and the values of IRW1, IRW2, and NRWK have been set to indicate where the coordinates were put. After the coordinates have been processed, CPCLTR is called again. If, upon return from CPCLTR, the value of IJMP is zero, all contour lines at the specified level have been processed.
If the parameter 'T2D' has a non-zero value, the contour lines are smoothed, using cubic splines under tension.
To use CPCLTR or c_cpcltr, load the NCAR Graphics libraries ncarg, ncarg_gks, and ncarg_c, preferably in that order.
See the conpack man page for a description of all Conpack error messages and/or informational messages.
Online: conpack, cpback, cpchcf, cpchcl, cpchhl, cpchil, cpchll, cpcica, cpclam, cpcldm, cpcldr, cpcnrc, cpdrpl, cpezct, cpgetc, cpgeti, cpgetr, cplbam, cplbdr, cpmpxy, cpmviw, cpmvrw, cppkcl, cppklb, cprect, cprset, cpscae, cpsetc, cpseti, cpsetr, cpsps1, cpsps2, ncarg_cbind
Copyright (C) 1987-2009
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
The use of this Software is governed by a License Agreement.
March 1993 | UNIX |