bson_copy_to_excluding_noinit (const bson_t *src,
                               bson_t *dst,
                               const char *first_exclude,
                               ...) BSON_GNUC_NULL_TERMINATED;

  • src: A bson_t.
  • dst: A bson_t.
  • first_exclude: The first field name to exclude.

The bson_copy_to_excluding_noinit() function shall copy all fields from src to dst except those specified by the variadic, NULL terminated list of keys starting from first_exclude. Works the same way as bson_copy_to_excluding(), except does not call bson_init() on dst. This function should be preferred in new code over bson_copy_to_excluding().


This is generally not needed except in very special situations.

#include <bson/bson.h>
int main ()
   bson_t bson;
   bson_t bson2;
   char *str;
   bson_init (&bson);
   bson_append_int32 (&bson, "a", 1, 1);
   bson_append_int32 (&bson, "b", 1, 2);
   bson_append_int32 (&bson, "c", 1, 2);
   bson_init (&bson2);
   bson_copy_to_excluding_noinit (&bson, &bson2, "b", NULL);
   str = bson_as_json (&bson2, NULL);
   /* Prints
    * { "a" : 1, "c" : 2 }
   printf ("%s\n", str);
   bson_free (str);
   bson_destroy (&bson);
   bson_destroy (&bson2);

MongoDB, Inc

2017-present, MongoDB, Inc

March 31, 2024 1.26.0