grammar::aycock(3tcl) | Aycock-Horspool-Earley parser generator for Tcl | grammar::aycock(3tcl) |
grammar::aycock - Aycock-Horspool-Earley parser generator for Tcl
package require Tcl 8.5
package require grammar::aycock ?1.0?
::aycock::parser grammar ?-verbose?
parserName parse symList valList ?clientData?
parserName destroy
parserName terminals
parserName nonterminals
parserName save
The grammar::aycock package implements a parser generator for the class of parsers described in John Aycock and R. Nigel Horspool. Practical Earley Parsing. The Computer Journal, 45(6):620-630, 2002.
The grammar::aycock package exports the single procedure:
The grammar::aycock::parser command accepts a grammar expressed as a Tcl list. The list must be structured as the concatenation of a set of rules. Each rule comprises a variable number of elements in the list:
Parsing is done with an Earley parser, which is not terribly efficient in speed or memory consumption, but which deals effectively with ambiguous grammars. For this reason, the grammar::aycock package is perhaps best adapted to natural-language processing or the parsing of extraordinarily complex languages in which ambiguity can be tolerated.
The following code demonstrates a trivial desk calculator, admitting only +, * and parentheses as its operators. It also shows the format in which the lexical analyzer is expected to present terminal symbols to the parser.
set p [aycock::parser { start ::= E {} E ::= E + T {expr {[lindex $_ 0] + [lindex $_ 2]}} E ::= T {} T ::= T * F {expr {[lindex $_ 0] * [lindex $_ 2]}} T ::= F {} F ::= NUMBER {} F ::= ( E ) {lindex $_ 1} }] puts [$p parse {( NUMBER + NUMBER ) * ( NUMBER + NUMBER ) } {{} 2 {} 3 {} {} {} 7 {} 1 {}}] $p destroy
Aycock, Earley, Horspool, parser, compiler
ambiguous, aycock, earley, grammar, horspool, parser, parsing, transducer
Grammars and finite automata
Copyright (c) 2006 by Kevin B. Kenny <> Redistribution permitted under the terms of the Open Publication License <>
1.0 | tcllib |