al_play_audio_stream_f(3alleg5) al_play_audio_stream_f(3alleg5)

al_play_audio_stream_f - Allegro 5 API

#include <allegro5/allegro_audio.h>
ALLEGRO_AUDIO_STREAM *al_play_audio_stream_f(ALLEGRO_FILE *fp, const char *ident)

Loads and plays an audio file from ALLEGRO_FILE(3alleg5) stream, streaming it is needed. This API can only play one audio stream at a time. This requires a default mixer to be set, which is typically done via al_reserve_samples(3alleg5), but can also be done via al_set_default_mixer(3alleg5).

The file type is determined by the passed `ident' parameter, which is a file name extension including the leading dot.

Returns the stream on success, NULL on failure. You must not destroy the returned stream, it will be automatically destroyed when the addon is shut down. On success the file should be considered owned by the audio stream, and will be closed when the audio stream is destroyed. On failure the file will be closed.

Note: the allegro_audio library does not support any audio file formats by default. You must use the allegro_acodec addon, or register your own format handler.

al_play_audio_stream(3alleg5), al_load_audio_stream_f(3alleg5)


[Unstable API]: New API.

Allegro reference manual