al_load_bitmap(3alleg5) al_load_bitmap(3alleg5)

al_load_bitmap - Allegro 5 API

#include <allegro5/allegro.h>
ALLEGRO_BITMAP *al_load_bitmap(const char *filename)

Loads an image file into a new ALLEGRO_BITMAP(3alleg5). The file type is determined by al_identify_bitmap(3alleg5), using the extension as a fallback in case identification is not possible.

Returns NULL on error.

This is the same as calling al_load_bitmap_flags(3alleg5) with a flags parameter of 0.

Note: the core Allegro library does not support any image file formats by default. You must use the allegro_image addon, or register your own format handler.

al_load_bitmap_flags(3alleg5), al_load_bitmap_f(3alleg5), al_register_bitmap_loader(3alleg5), al_set_new_bitmap_format(3alleg5), al_set_new_bitmap_flags(3alleg5), al_init_image_addon(3alleg5)

Allegro reference manual