al_draw_polygon(3alleg5) al_draw_polygon(3alleg5)

al_draw_polygon - Allegro 5 API

#include <allegro5/allegro_primitives.h>
void al_draw_polygon(const float *vertices, int vertex_count,
   int join_style, ALLEGRO_COLOR color, float thickness, float miter_limit)

Draw an unfilled polygon. This is the same as passing ALLEGRO_LINE_CAP_CLOSED to al_draw_polyline(3alleg5).

vertex - Interleaved array of (x, y) vertex coordinates
vertex_count - Number of vertices in the array
join_style - Member of ALLEGRO_LINE_JOIN(3alleg5) specifying how to render the joins between line segments
color - Color of the line
thickness - Thickness of the line, pass <= 0 to draw hairline lines
miter_limit - Parameter for miter join style


al_draw_filled_polygon(3alleg5), al_draw_polyline(3alleg5), ALLEGRO_LINE_JOIN(3alleg5)

Allegro reference manual