al_apply_window_constraints(3alleg5) al_apply_window_constraints(3alleg5)

al_apply_window_constraints - Allegro 5 API

#include <allegro5/allegro.h>
void al_apply_window_constraints(ALLEGRO_DISPLAY *display, bool onoff)

Enable or disable previously set constraints by al_set_window_constraints(3alleg5) function.

If enabled, the specified display will be automatically resized to new sizes to conform constraints in next cases:

The specified display is resizable, not maximized and is not in fullscreen mode.
If the appropriate current display size (width or height) is less than the value of constraint. Applied to minimum constraints.
If the appropriate current display size (width or height) is greater than the value of constraint. Applied to maximum constraints.

Constrains are not applied when a display is toggle from windowed to maximized or fullscreen modes. When a display is toggle from maximized/fullscreen to windowed mode, then the display may be resized as described above. The later case is also possible when a user drags the maximized display via mouse.

If disabled, the specified display will stop using constraints.

al_get_window_constraints(3alleg5), al_set_window_constraints(3alleg5)

Allegro reference manual