afnix-us-tcz(3) Library Functions Manual afnix-us-tcz(3)

afnix-us-tcz - standard transmutable contant zone service

The Standard Transmute Content Zone Management service is an original implementation of various objects dedicated to the elaboration of transmutable objects in the form of blob and mixture.

General concepts
The afnix-tcz provides the support for manipulating transmutable object in an ecclectic form. There are multiple types of objects which can broadly be categorized into general data blob, identity and credential associated with zone that contain them

The concept of blob is central in the tcz service. A blob is a registrable part. A part is an abstract taggable object uniquely identified by a uuid. The blob adds a registration identification, which enables them to be group into domains.

The Part class is a taggable object which is bound by a unique key and provide a plist interface access. The part object is the foundation of the blob object and is also used to feed a collection. The key is represented by a uuid object.






Part (none)
The Part constructor creates an empty part

Part (String)
The Part constructor creates a part by name.

Part (String String)
The Part constructor creates a part by name and info strings.


kid-p -> Boolean (String)
The kip-p predicate returns true if the part kid can be validated.

property-p -> Boolean (String)
The property-p predicate returns true if the property name argument is defined in the part.

get-kid -> Uuid (none)
The get-kid method returns the part kid.

add -> none (String Literal)
The add method adds a property to the part.

get-header -> Plist (none)
The get-header method returns the part header which is a plist with the part name, info and uuid.

get-plist -> Plist (none)
The get-plist method returns the part plist.

get-value -> String (String)
The get-value method returns the a part property value by name.

to-lteral -> Literal (String)
The toliteral method returns the a part property literal by name.

The Blob class is a base class that models the behavior of a registered blob through the use of a registration id. The blob is registered as soon as its registration id is set. If the registration id is unset, the object is unregistered or anonymous. The registration id can be anything as long as as it is understood by the implementation that such registration is to be interpreted somewhere else. The blob is also a part which means that it has a name, info and unique key.






Blob (none)
The Blob constructor creates an empty blob.

Blob (String)
The Blob constructor creates a blob by name.

Blob (String String)
The Blob constructor creates a blob by name and info strings.

Blob (String String String)
The Blob constructor creates a blob by rid, name and info strings.


rid-p -> Boolean (none)
The rid-p predicate returns true if the blob registration id is set.

set-rid -> none (String)
The set-rid method sets the blob rid.

get-rid -> String (none)
The get-rid method returns the blob rid.

The Bloc class is a derived class which encapsulates the functionality of a blob coupled with a plist and a table of conditionals.






Bloc (none)
The Bloc constructor creates an empty bloc.

Bloc (String)
The Bloc constructor creates a bloc by name.

Bloc (String String)
The Bloc constructor creates a bloc by name and info strings.

Bloc (String String String)
The Bloc constructor creates a bloc by rid, name and info strings.


add-credential -> none (Credential)
The add-credential method add a credential to the bloc.

get-credential -> Credential (String)
The get-credential method returns a credential object by name.

The Carrier class is a blob used to transport an object. The object transported by the carrier must be serializable.






Carrier (none)
The Carrier constructor creates an empty carrier.

Carrier (Object)
The Carrier constructor creates a carrier with an object.

Carrier (Object String)
The Carrier constructor creates a carrier with an object by name.

Carrier (Object String String)
The Carrier constructor creates a carrier with an object by name and info strings.

Carrier (Carrier String String String)
The Carrier constructor creates a carrier with an object by rid, name and info strings.


get-object -> Object (none)
The get-object method returns the carrier object.

The Delegate class is a carrier blob which delegates its transport to another object. Such approach is used when the carried object needs to remains locally (aka it cannot be serialized) but a reference to it can be sent to the remote peer.






Delegate (none)
The Delegate constructor creates an empty delegate.

Delegate (Object)
The Delegate constructor creates a delegate with an object.

Delegate (Object String)
The Delegate constructor creates a delegate with an object by name.

Delegate (Object String String)
The Delegate constructor creates a delegate with an object by name and info strings.

Delegate (Delegate String String String)
The Delegate constructor creates a delegate with an object by rid, name and info strings.

Delegate (Delegate String String String String)
The Delegate constructor creates a delegate with an object by rid, name, info strings and delegation address.


set-address -> none (String)
The set-address method sets the delegate address.

get-address -> String (none)
The get-address method returns the delegate address.

The Realm class is an abstract class design for the storage and management of authorities. The class provides the basic methods to create, check and validate an authority.






exists-p -> Boolean (String)
The exists-p predicate checks if an authority exists by kid.

valid-p -> Boolean (String Credential)
The valid-p predicate validates an authority by name and credential.

get-info -> String (none)
The get-info-p method the real information string. Note that the get-name method is also available through the Nameable interface.

create -> none (String Credential)
The create method creates an authority by name and credential.

update -> none (Authority)
The update method updates a workzone by authority.