net(3) | Library Functions Manual | net(3) |
net - standard networking module
The Standard Networking module is an original implementation of networking facilities for the Internet Protocol. The module features standard TCP and UDP sockets for point to point communication as well as multicast socket. Numerous functions and objects for address manipulation are also included in this module. This module is also designed to support IP version 6 with certain platforms.
IP address
The IP based communication uses a standard address to reference a particular
peer. With IP version 4, the standard dot notation is with 4 bytes. With IP
version 6, the standard semicolon notation is with 16 bytes. The current
implementation supports both versions. # ipv4 localhost 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 # ipv6 localhost
IP address architecture and behavior are described in various documents as listed in the bibliography.
Domain name system
The translation between a host name and an IP address is performed by a
resolver which uses the Domain Name System or DNS. Access to the DNS is
automatic with the implementation. Depending on the machine resolver
configuration, a particular domain name translation might result in an IP
version 4 or IP version 6 address. Most of the time, an IP version 4 address
is returned. The mapping between an IP address and a host name returns the
associated canonical name for that IP address. This is the reverse of the
preceding operation.
The Address class
The Address class allows manipulation of IP address. The constructor takes a
string as its arguments. The argument string can be either an IP address or
a host name which can be qualified or not. When the address is constructed
with a host name, the IP address resolution is done immediately.
Name to address translation
The most common operation is to translate a host name to its equivalent IP
address. Once the Address object is constructed, the get-address method
returns a string representation of the internal IP address. The following
example prints the IP address of the localhost, that is with IP
version 4.
# load network module interp:library "afnix-net" # get the localhost address const addr (afnix:net:Address "localhost") # print the ip address println (addr:get-address)
As another example, the get-host-name function returns the host name of the running machine. The previous example can be used to query its IP address.
Address to name translation
The reverse operation of name translation maps an IP address to a canonical
name. It shall be noted that the reverse lookup is not done automatically,
unless the reverse flag is set in the constructoor. The get-canonical-name
method of the Address class returns such name. Example XNET001.als is a
demonstration program which prints the address original name, the IP address
and the canonical name. Fell free to use it with your favorite site to check
the equivalence between the original name and the canonical name.
# print the ip address information of the arguments # usage: axi XNET001.als [hosts ...] # get the network module interp:library "afnix-net" # print the ip address const ip-address-info (host) { try { const addr (afnix:net:Address host true) println "host name : " (addr:get-name) println " ip address : " (addr:get-address) println " canonical name : " ( addr:get-canonical-name) # get aliases const size (addr:get-alias-size) loop (trans i 0) (< i size) (i:++) { println " alias address : " ( addr:get-alias-address i) println " alias name : " ( addr:get-alias-name i) } } (errorln "error: " what:reason) } # get the hosts for (s) (interp:argv) (ip-address-info s) zsh> axi net-0001.als localhost host name : localhost ip address : canonical name : localhost
Address operations
The Address class provides several methods and operators that ease the address
manipulation in a protocol indepedant way. For example, the == operator
compares two addresses. The ++ operator can also be used to get the next IP
Transport layers
The two transport layer protocols supported by the Internet protocol is the
TCP, a full-duplex oriented protocol, and UDP, a datagram protocol. TCP is a
reliable protocol while UDP is not. By reliable, we mean that the protocol
provides automatically some mechanisms for error recovery, message delivery,
acknowledgment of reception, etc... The use of TCP vs. UDP is dictated
mostly by the reliability concerns, while UDP reduces the traffic
Service port
In the client-server model, a connection is established between two hosts. The
connections is made via the IP address and the port number. For a given
service, a port identifies that service at a particular address. This means
that multiple services can exist at the same address. More precisely, the
transport layer protocol is also used to distinguish a particular service.
The network module provides a simple mechanism to retrieve the port number,
given its name and protocol. The function get-tcp-service and
get-udp-service returns the port number for a given service by name. For
example, the daytime server is located at port number 13.
assert 13 (afnix:net:get-tcp-service "daytime") assert 13 (afnix:net:get-udp-service "daytime")
Host and peer
With the client server model, the only information needed to identify a
particular client or server is the address and the port number. When a
client connects to a server, it specify the port number the server is
operating. The client uses a random port number for itself. When a server is
created, the port number is used to bind the server to that particular port.
If the port is already in use, that binding will fail. From a reporting
point of view, a connection is therefore identified by the running host
address and port, and the peer address and port. For a client, the peer is
the server. For a server, the peer is the client.
TCP client socket
The TcpClient class creates an TCP client object by address and port. The
address can be either a string or an Address object. During the object
construction, the connection is established with the server. Once the
connection is established, the client can use the read and write method to
communicate with the server. The TcpClient class is derived from the Socket
class which is derived from the InputStream and OutputStream classes.
Day time client
The simplest example is a client socket which communicates with the daytime
server. The server is normally running on all machines and is located at
port 13.
# get the network module interp:library "afnix-net" # get the daytime server port const port (afnix:net:get-tcp-service "daytime") # create a tcp client socket const s (afnix:net:TcpClient "localhost" port) # read the data - the server close the connection while (s:valid-p) (println (s:readln))
Example 3201.als in the example directory prints the day time of the local host without argument or the day time of the argument. Feel free to use it with If the server you are trying to contact does not have a day time server, an exception will be raised and the program terminates.
zsh> axi 3201.als
HTTP request example
Another example which illustrates the use of the TcpClient object is a simple
client which download a web page. At this stage we are not concern with the
URL but rather the mechanics involved. The request is made by opening a TCP
client socket on port 80 (the HTTP server port) and sending a request by
writing some HTTP commands. When the commands have been sent, the data sent
by the server are read and printed on the standard output. Note that this
example is not concerned by error detection.
# fetch an html page by host and page # usage: axi 3203.als [host] [page] # get the network module interp:library "afnix-net" interp:library "afnix-sys" # connect to the http server and issue a request const send-http-request (host page) { # create a client sock on port 80 const s (afnix:net:TcpClient host 80) const saddr (s:get-socket-address) # format the request s:writeln "GET " page " HTTP/1.1" s:writeln "Host: " (saddr:get-canonical-name) s:writeln "Connection: close" s:writeln "User-Agent: afnix tcp client example" s:newline # write the result while (s:valid-p) (println (s:readln)) } # get the argument if (!= (interp:argv:length) 2) (afnix:sys:exit 1) const host (interp:argv:get 0) const page (interp:argv:get 1) # send request send-http-request host page
UDP client socket
UDP client socket is similar to TCP client socket. However, due to the
unreliable nature of UDP, UDP clients are somehow more difficult to manage.
Since there is no flow control, it becomes more difficult to assess whether
or not a datagram has reached its destination. The same apply for a server,
where a reply datagram might be lost. The UdpClient class is the class which
creates a UDP client object. Its usage is similar to the TcpClient.
The time client
The UDP time server normally runs on port 37 is the best place to enable it. A
UDP client is created with the UdpClient class. Once the object is created,
the client sends an empty datagram to the server. The server send a reply
datagram with 4 bytes, in network byte order, corresponding to the date as
of January 1st 1900. Example 3204.als prints date information after
contacting the local host time server or the host specified as the first
# get the libraries interp:library "afnix-net" interp:library "afnix-sys" # get the daytime server port const port (afnix:net:get-udp-service "time") # create a client socket and read the data const print-time (host) { # create a udp client socket const s (afnix:net:UdpClient host port) # send an empty datagram s:write # read the 4 bytes data and adjust to epoch const buf (s:read 4) const val (- (buf:get-quad) 2208988800) # format the date const time (afnix:sys:Time val) println (time:format-date) ' ' (time:format-time) } # check for one argument or use localhost const host (if (== (interp:argv:length) 0) "localhost" (interp:argv:get 0)) print-time host
This example calls for several comments. First the write method without argument sends an empty datagram. It is the datagram which trigger the server. The read method reads 4 bytes from the reply datagram and places them in a Buffer object. Since the bytes are in network byte order, the conversion into an integer value is done with the get-quad method. Finally, in order to use the Time class those epoch is January 1st 1970, the constant 2208988800 is subtracted from the result. Remember that the time server sends the date in reference to January 1st 1900. More information about the time server can be found in RFC738.
More on reliability
The previous example has some inherent problems due to the unreliability of
UDP. If the first datagram is lost, the read method will block indefinitely.
Another scenario which causes the read method to block is the loss of the
server reply datagram. Both problem can generally be fixed by checking the
socket with a timeout using the valid-p method. With one argument, the
method timeout and return false. In this case, a new datagram can be send to
the server. Example 3205.als illustrates this point. We print below the
extract of code.
# create a client socket and read the data const print-time (host) { # create a udp client socket const s (afnix:net:UdpClient host port) # send an empty datagram until the socket is valid s:write # retransmit datagram each second while (not (s:valid-p 1000)) (s:write) # read the 4 bytes data and adjust to epoch const buf (s:read 4) const val (- (buf:get-quad) 2208988800) # format the date const time (afnix:sys:Time val) println (time:format-date) ' ' (time:format-time) }
Note that this solution is a naive one. In the case of multiple datagrams, a sequence number must be placed because there is no clue about the lost datagram. A simple rule of thumb is to use TCP as soon as reliability is a concern, but this choice might not so easy.
Error detection
Since UDP is not reliable, there is no simple solution to detect when a
datagram has been lost. Even worse, if the server is not running, it is not
easy to detect that the client datagram has been lost. In such situation,
the client might indefinitely send datagram without getting an answer. One
solution to this problem is again to count the number of datagram
re-transmit and eventually give up after a certain time.
Socket class
The Socket class is the base class for both TcpClient and UdpClient. The class
provides methods to query the socket port and address as well as the peer
port and address. Note at this point that the UDP socket is a connected
socket. Therefore, these methods will work fine. The get-socket-address and
get-socket-port returns respectively the address and port of the connected
socket. The get-peer-address and get-peer-port returns respectively the
address and port of the connected socket's peer. Example 3206.als
illustrates the use of these methods.
# create a client socket and read the data const print-socket-info (host) { # create a tcp client socket const s (afnix:net:TcpClient host port) # print socket address and port const saddr (s:get-socket-address) const sport (s:get-socket-port) println "socket ip address : " ( saddr:get-address) println "socket canonical name : " ( saddr:get-canonical-name) println "socket port : " sport # print peer address and port const paddr (s:get-peer-address) const pport (s:get-peer-port) println "peer ip address : " ( paddr:get-address) println "peer canonical name : " ( paddr:get-canonical-name) println "peer port : " pport }
Socket predicates
The Socket class is associated with the socket-p predicate. The respective
client objects have the tcp-client-p predicate and udp-client-p
TCP server socket
The TcpServer class creates an TCP server object. There are several
constructors for the TCP server. In its simplest form, without port, a TCP
server is created on the localhost with an ephemeral port number (i.e port 0
during the call). With a port number, the TCP server is created on the
localhost. For a multi-homed host, the address to use to run the server can
be specified as the first argument. The address can be either a string or an
Address object. In both cases, the port is specified as the second argument.
Finally, a third argument called the backlog can be specified to set the
number of acceptable incoming connection. That is the maximum number of
pending connection while processing a connection. The following example
shows various ways to create a TCP server.
trans s (afnix:net:TcpServer) trans s (afnix:net:TcpServer 8000) trans s (afnix:net:TcpServer 8000 5) trans s (afnix:net:TcpServer "localhost" 8000) trans s (afnix:net:TcpServer "localhost" 8000 5) trans s (afnix:net:TcpServer ( Address "localhost") 8000) trans s (afnix:net:TcpServer ( Address "localhost") 8000 5)
Echo server example
A simple echo server can be built and tested with the standard telnet
application. The application will echo all lines that are typed with the
telnet client. The server is bound on the port 8000, since ports 0 to 1024
are privileged ports.
# get the network module interp:library "afnix-net" # create a tcp server on port 8000 const srv (afnix:net:TcpServer 8000) # wait for a connection const s (srv:accept) # echo the line until the end while (s:valid-p) (s:writeln (s:readln))
The telnet session is then quite simple. The line hello world is echoed by the server.
zsh> telnet localhost 8000 Trying Connected to localhost. Escape character is '^]'. hello world ^D
The accept method
The previous example illustrates the mechanics of a server. When the server is
created, the server is ready to accept connection. The accept method blocks
until a client connect with the server. When the connection is established,
the accept method returns a socket object which can be used to read and
write data.
Multiple connections
One problem with the previous example is that the server accepts only one
connection. In order to accept multiple connection, the accept method must
be placed in a loop, and the server operation in a thread (There are some
situations where a new process might be more appropriate than a thread).
Example 3302.als illustrates such point.
# get the network module interp:library "afnix-net" # this function echo a line from the client const echo-server (s) { while (s:valid-p) (s:writeln (s:readln)) } # create a tcp server on port 8000 const srv (afnix:net:TcpServer 8000) # wait for a connection while true { trans s (srv:accept) launch (echo-server s) }
UDP server socket
The UdpServer class is similar to the TcpServer object, except that there is
no backlog parameters. In its simplest form, the UDP server is created on
the localhost with an ephemeral port (i.e port 0). With a port number, the
server is created on the localhost. For a multi-homed host, the address used
to run the server can be specified as the first argument. The address can be
either a string or an Address object. In both cases, the port is specified
as the second argument.
trans s (afnix:net:UdpServer) trans s (afnix:net:UdpServer 8000) trans s (afnix:net:UdpServer "localhost" 8000) trans s (afnix:net:UdpServer ( Address "localhost") 8000)
Echo server example
The echo server can be revisited to work with udp datagram. The only
difference is the use of the accept method. For a UDP server, the method
return a Datagram object which can be used to read and write data.
# get the network module interp:library "afnix-net" # create a udp server on port 8000 const srv (afnix:net:UdpServer 8000) # wait for a connection while true { trans dg (srv:accept) dg:writeln (dg:readln) }
Datagram object
With a UDP server, the accept method returns a Datagram object. Because a UDP
is connection-less, the server has no idea from whom the datagram is coming
until that one has been received. When a datagram arrives, the Datagram
object is constructed with the peer address being the source address.
Standard i/o methods can be used to read or write. When a write method is
used, the data are sent back to the peer in a form of another datagram.
# wait for a datagram trans dg (s:accept) # assert datagram type assert true (datagram-p dg) # get contents length println "datagram buffer size : " (dg:get-buffer-length) # read a line from this datagram trans line (dg:readln) # send it back to the sender s:writeln line
Input data buffer
For a datagram, and generally speaking, for a UDP socket, all input operations
are buffered. This means that when a datagram is received, the accept method
places all data in an input buffer. This means that a read operation does
not necessarily flush the whole buffer but rather consumes only the
requested character. For example, if one datagram contains the string hello
world. A call to readln will return the entire string. A call to read will
return only the character 'h'. Subsequent call will return the next
available characters. A call like read 5 will return a buffer with 5
characters. Subsequent calls will return the remaining string. In any case,
the get-buffer-length will return the number of available characters in the
buffer. A call to valid-p will return true if there are some characters in
the buffer or if a new datagram has arrived. Care should be taken with the
read method. For example if there is only 4 characters in the input buffer
and a call to read for 10 characters is made, the method will block until a
new datagram is received which can fill the remaining 6 characters. Such
situation can be avoided by using the get-buffer-length and the valid-p
methods. Note also that a timeout can be specified with the valid-p
Low level socket methods
Some folks always prefer to do everything by themselves. Most of the time for
good reasons. If this is your case, you might have to use the low level
socket methods. Instead of using a client or server class, the
implementation let's you create a TcpSocket or UdpSocket. Once this done,
the bind, connect and other methods can be used to create the desired
A socket client
A simple TCP socket client is created with the TcpSocket class. Then the
connect method is called to establish the connection.
# create an address and a tcp socket const addr (afnix:net:Address "localhost") const sid (afnix:net:TcpSocket) # connect the socket sid:connect 13 addr
Once the socket is connected, normal read and write operations can be performed. After the socket is created, it is possible to set some options. A typical one is NO-DELAY which disable the Naggle algorithm.
# create an address and a tcp socket const addr (afnix:net:Address "localhost") const sid (afnix:net:TcpSocket) # disable the naggle algorithm sid:set-option sid:NO-DELAY true # connect the socket sid:connect 13 addr
The Address class is the Internet address manipulation class. The class can be
used to perform the conversion between a host name and an IP address. The
opposite is also possible. Finally, the class supports both IP version 4 and
IP version 6 address formats.
The Socket class is a base class for the AFNIX network services. The class is
automatically constructed by a derived class and provide some common methods
for all socket objects.
The TcpSocket class is a base class for all tcp socket objects. The class is
derived from the Socket class and provides some specific tcp methods. If a
TcpSocket is created, the user is responsible to connect it to the proper
address and port.
The TcpClient class creates a tcp client by host and port. The host argument
can be either a name or an address object. The port argument is the server
port to contact. The TcpClient class is derived from the TcpSocket class.
This class has no specific methods.
The TcpServer class creates a tcp server by port. An optional host argument
can be either a name or an address object. The port argument is the server
port to bind. The TcpServer class is derived from the TcpSocket class. This
class has no specific methods. With one argument, the server bind the port
argument on the local host. The backlog can be specified as the last
argument. The host name can also be specified as the first argument, the
port as second argument and eventually the backlog. Note that the host can
be either a string or an address object.
The Datagram class is a socket class used by udp socket. A datagram is
constructed by the UdpSocketaccept method. The purpose of a datagram is to
store the peer information so one can reply to the sender. The datagram also
stores in a buffer the data sent by the peer. This class does not have any
constructor nor any specific method.
The UdpSocket class is a base class for all udp socket objects. The class is
derived from the Socket class and provides some specific udp methods.
The UdpClient class creates a udp client by host and port. The host argument
can be either a name or an address object. The port argument is the server
port to contact. The UdpClient class is derived from the UdpSocket class.
This class has no specific methods.
The UdpServer class creates a udp server by port. An optional host argument
can be either a name or an address object. The port argument is the server
port to bind. The UdpServer class is derived from the UdpSocket class. This
class has no specific methods. With one argument, the server bind the port
argument on the local host. The host name can also be specified as the first
argument, the port as second argument. Note that the host can be either a
string or an address object.
The Multicast class creates a udp multicast socket by port. An optional host
argument can be either a name or an address object. The port argument is the
server port to bind. The Multicast class is derived from the UdpSocket
class. This class has no specific methods. With one argument, the server
bind the port argument on the local host. The host name can also be
specified as the first argument, the port as second argument. Note that the
host can be either a string or an address object. This class is similar to
the UdpServer class, except that the socket join the multicast group at
construction and leave it at destruction.
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