Node(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Node(3pm)

XML::Node - Node-based XML parsing: a simplified interface to XML::Parser

 use XML::Node;
 $xml_node = new XML::Node;
 $xml_node->register( $nodetype, $callback_type => \&callback_function );
 $xml_node->register( $nodetype, $callback_type => \$variable );
 open(FOO, 'xmlgenerator |');
 $xml_node->parsefile( $xml_filename );

If you are only interested in processing certain nodes in an XML file, this module can help you simplify your Perl scripts significantly.

The XML::Node module allows you to register callback functions or variables for any XML node. If you register a call back function, it will be called when the nodes of the type you specified are encountered. If you register a variable, the content of a XML node will be appended to that variable automatically.

Subroutine register accepts both absolute and relative node registrations.

Here is an example of absolute path registration:

 1. register(">TestCase>Name", "start" => \&handle_TestCase_Name_start);

Here are examples of single node name registration:

 2. register( "Name", "start" => \&handle_Name_start);
 3. register( "Name", "end"   => \&handle_Name_end);
 4. register( "Name", "char"  => \&handle_Name_char);

Here is an example of attribute registration:

 5. register(">TestCase:Author", "attr" => \$testcase_author);

Absolute path trigger condition is recommended because a "Name" tag could appear in different places and stands for different names.


  1  <Testcase>
  2     <Name>Something</Name>
  3     <Oracle>
  4         <Name>Something</Name>
  5     </Oracle>
  6  </Testcase>

Statement 1 causes &handle_TestCase_Name_start to be called when parsing Line 2. Statements 2,3,4 cause the three handler subroutines to be called when parsing both Line 2 and Line 4.

This module uses XML::Parser.

Examples "" and "" come with this perl module.


When you register a variable, XML::Node appends strings found to that variable. So please be sure to clear that variable before it is used again.

Chang Liu <>

$Date: 2001/12/10 11:38:28 $

2022-11-19 perl v5.36.0