XML::ESISParser(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation XML::ESISParser(3pm)

XML::ESISParser - Perl SAX parser using nsgmls

 use XML::ESISParser;
 $parser = XML::ESISParser->new( [OPTIONS] );
 $result = $parser->parse( [OPTIONS] );
 $result = $parser->parse($string);

"XML::ESISParser" is a Perl SAX parser using the `nsgmls' command of James Clark's SGML Parser (SP), a validating XML and SGML parser. This man page summarizes the specific options, handlers, and properties supported by "XML::ESISParser"; please refer to the Perl SAX standard in `"SAX.pod"' for general usage information.

"XML::ESISParser" defaults to parsing XML and has an option for parsing SGML.

`"nsgmls"' source, and binaries for some platforms, is available from <http://www.jclark.com/>. `"nsgmls"' is included in both the SP and Jade packages.

Creates a new parser object. Default options for parsing, described below, are passed as key-value pairs or as a single hash. Options may be changed directly in the parser object unless stated otherwise. Options passed to `"parse()"' override the default options in the parser object for the duration of the parse.

The following options are supported by "XML::ESISParser":

 Handler          default handler to receive events
 DocumentHandler  handler to receive document events
 DTDHandler       handler to receive DTD events
 ErrorHandler     handler to receive error events
 Source           hash containing the input source for parsing
 IsSGML           the document to be parsed is in SGML

If no handlers are provided then all events will be silently ignored.

If a single string argument is passed to the `"parse()"' method, it is treated as if a `"Source"' option was given with a `"String"' parameter.

The `"Source"' hash may contain the following parameters:

 ByteStream       The raw byte stream (file handle) containing the
 String           A string containing the document.
 SystemId         The system identifier (URI) of the document.

If more than one of `"ByteStream"', `"String"', or `"SystemId"', then preference is given first to `"ByteStream"', then `"String"', then `"SystemId"'.

The following handlers and properties are supported by "XML::ESISParser":

Receive notification of the beginning of a document.

No properties defined.

Receive notification of the end of a document.

No properties defined.

Receive notification of the beginning of an element.

 Name             The element type name.
 Attributes       A hash containing the attributes attached to the
                  element, if any.
 IncludedSubelement This element is an included subelement.
 Empty            This element is declared empty.

The `"Attributes"' hash contains only string values. The `"Empty"' flag is not set for an element that merely has no content, it is set only if the DTD declares it empty.

BETA: Attribute values currently do not expand SData entities into entity objects, they are still in the system data notation used by nsgmls (inside `|'). A future version of XML::ESISParser will also convert other types of attributes into their respective objects, currently just their notation or entity names are given.

Receive notification of the end of an element.

 Name             The element type name.
Receive notification of character data.

 Data             The characters from the document.
Receive notification of a record end sequence. XML applications should convert this to a new-line.
Receive notification of a processing instruction.

 Target           The processing instruction target in XML.
 Data             The processing instruction data, if any.
Receive notification of a system data (SData) internal entity reference.

 Name             The name of the internal entity reference.
Receive notification of a external entity reference.

 Name             The name of the external entity reference.
Receive notification of the start of a sub document.

 Name             The name of the external entity reference.
Receive notification of the end of a sub document.

 Name             The name of the external entity reference.
Receive notification that the document just parsed conforms to it's document type declaration (DTD).

No properties defined.

Receive notification of an external entity declaration.

 Name             The entity's entity name.
 Type             The entity's type (CDATA, NDATA, etc.)
 SystemId         The entity's system identifier.
 PublicId         The entity's public identifier, if any.
 GeneratedId      Generated system identifiers, if any.
Receive notification of an internal entity declaration.

 Name             The entity's entity name.
 Type             The entity's type (CDATA, NDATA, etc.)
 Value            The entity's character value.
Receive notification of a notation declaration.

 Name             The notation's name.
 SystemId         The notation's system identifier.
 PublicId         The notation's public identifier, if any.
 GeneratedId      Generated system identifiers, if any.
Receive notification of a subdocument entity declaration.

 Name             The entity's entity name.
 SystemId         The entity's system identifier.
 PublicId         The entity's public identifier, if any.
 GeneratedId      Generated system identifiers, if any.
Receive notification of an external SGML-entity declaration.

 Name             The entity's entity name.
 SystemId         The entity's system identifier.
 PublicId         The entity's public identifier, if any.
 GeneratedId      Generated system identifiers, if any.

Ken MacLeod, ken@bitsko.slc.ut.us

perl(1), PerlSAX.pod(3)

 Extensible Markup Language (XML) <http://www.w3c.org/XML/>
 SAX 1.0: The Simple API for XML <http://www.megginson.com/SAX/>
 SGML Parser (SP) <http://www.jclark.com/sp/>
2022-12-13 perl v5.36.0