VistaIOSameImage(3) Library Functions Manual VistaIOSameImage(3)

VistaIOSameImageRange, VistaIOSameImageSize - test whether two images share certain properties

#include <vistaio.h>
VistaIOBoolean VistaIOSameImageRange (image1, image2)
VistaIOImage image1, image2;
VistaIOBoolean VistaIOSameImageSize (image1, image2)
VistaIOImage image1, image2;

Specify the images whose properties are to be compared.

VistaIOSameImageRange returns TRUE if image1 and image2 have the same number of bands, rows, and columns, and the same pixel representation; it returns FALSE otherwise.

VistaIOSameImageSize returns TRUE if image1 and image2 have the same number of bands, rows, and columns; it returns FALSE otherwise.

Both are macros defined in <vistaio.h>.


Art Pope <>

Adaption to vistaio: Gert Wollny <>

24 April 1993 VistaIO Version 1.2.14