Parser(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | Parser(3pm) |
Verilog::Parser - Parse Verilog language files
use Verilog::Parser; my $parser = new Verilog::Parser; $string = $parser->unreadback(); $line = $parser->lineno(); $parser->parse($text) $parser->parse_file($filename)
Verilog::Parser will tokenize a Verilog file when the parse() method is called and invoke various callback methods. This is useful for extracting information and editing files while retaining all context. For netlist like extractions, see Verilog::Netlist.
See the "Which Package" section of Verilog::Language if you are unsure which parsing package to use for a new application.
Note the parser allows some constructs that are syntax errors according to the specification (for example "".) This is done when the parser can't easily detect these cases. It's up to the consumer of the parser to filter out such errors if it cares.
Adding "symbol_table => []" will use the specified symbol table for this parse, and modify the array reference to include those symbols detected by this parse. As the SystemVerilog language requires packages and typedefs to exist before they are referenced, you must pass the same symbol_table to subsequent parses that are for the same compilation scope. The internals of this symbol_table should be considered opaque, as it will change between package versions, and must not be modified by user code.
Adding "use_cb_{callback-name} => 0" will disable the specified callback. By default, all callbacks will be called; disabling callbacks can greatly speed up the parser as a large percentage of time is spent calling between C and Perl to invoke the callbacks. When using this feature, use_unreadback=>0 should be used too, as since whole tokens are skipped, skipping whitespace shouldn't matter either.
Adding "use_protected => 0" will disable callbacks on `protected and "`pragma protect protected" regions, which may improve performance.
Adding "use_std => 1" will add parsing of the SystemVerilog built-in std:: package, or "use_std => 0" will disable it. If unspecified it is silently included (no callbacks will be involved) when suspected to be necessary.
Adding "use_unreadback => 0" will disable later use of the unreadback method, which may improve performance.
Adding "use_vars => 0" will disable contassign, defparam, pin, var and port callbacks to Verilog::SigParser. This can greatly speed parsing when variable and interconnect information is not required.
With the optional argument, set the text to be returned with the next unreadback call. See also unreadbackCat, which is much faster.
To use this option, "use_unreadback => 1" must have been passed to the constructor.
In order to make the parser do anything interesting, you must make a subclass where you override one or more of the following callback methods as appropriate.
Here's a simple example which will print every symbol in a verilog file.
package MyParser; use Verilog::Parser; @ISA = qw(Verilog::Parser); # parse, parse_file, etc are inherited from Verilog::Parser sub new { my $class = shift; #print "Class $class\n"; my $self = $class->SUPER::new(); bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub symbol { my $self = shift; my $token = shift; $self->{symbols}{$token}++; } sub report { my $self = shift; foreach my $sym (sort keys %{$self->{symbols}}) { printf "Symbol %-30s occurs %4d times\n", $sym, $self->{symbols}{$sym}; } } package main; my $parser = MyParser->new(); $parser->parse_file(shift); $parser->report();
This is being distributed as a baseline for future contributions. Don't expect a lot, the Parser is still naive, and there are many awkward cases that aren't covered.
The parser currently assumes the string it is passed ends on a newline boundary. It should be changed to allow arbitrary chunks.
Cell instantiations without any arguments are not supported, an empty set of parenthesis are required. (Use "cell cell();", not "cell cell;".)
Verilog-Perl is part of the <> free Verilog EDA software tool suite. The latest version is available from CPAN and from <>.
Copyright 2000-2024 by Wilson Snyder. This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License Version 2.0.
Wilson Snyder <>
Verilog-Perl, Verilog::Preproc, Verilog::SigParser, Verilog::Language, Verilog::Netlist, Verilog::Getopt, vrename, vpassert vppreproc
2024-03-31 | perl v5.38.2 |