Verilog::EditFiles - Split Verilog modules into separate
See splitmodule command.
use Verilog::EditFiles;
my $split = Verilog::EditFiles->new
(outdir => "processed_rtl",
translate_synthesis => 0,
lint_header => undef,
celldefine => 1,
$split->edit_file(filename=>"foo", cb => sub { return $_[0]; });
Verilog::EditFiles provides a easy way to split library Verilog
files that contain multiple modules into many files with one module per
- new (...)
- Create a new Verilog::EditFiles object. Named parameters may be
- celldefine
- If true, add "`celldefine" before every module statement.
- lint_command
- For the write_lint method, the name of the linter to use. Defaults to
"vlint --brief".
- If defined, add the provided text before every module statement. Generally
used to insert lint off pragmas.
- outdir
- Name of the directory to write the output modules to. Defaults to
- program
- Name of the program to add to comments. Defaults to
- If defined, add the provided text before every module statement. Generally
set to the next needed to #include a timescale file. Use with
- timescale_removal
- If set, remove any `timescales.
- translate_synthesis
- If 1, replace any synopsys translate on/offs with "`ifdef
SYNTHESIS" and "`endif"s. If set to a string, use that
string instead of "SYNTHESIS".
- v_suffix
- The suffix to add to convert a module name into a filename. Defaults to
- verbose
- If true, print what files are being read and written.
- $self->read_and_split([filenames])
- Read from the specified filenames.
If there is no module statement in the file, assume it is a
include file, and when write_files is called, place all of the file
contents into the output. If there is a module statement, when
write_files is called place all following output into a file named based
on the module, with .v added.
- $self->write_files()
- Write all of the files created by read_and_split to the outdir.
- $self->write_lint([filename=>...])
- Create a shell script that will lint every file created by write_files. If
a "filename" parameter is not provided, ""
will be written in the default outdir.
- $self->edit_file(filename=>..., cb=>sub{...})
- Read a file, edit it with the provided callback, and save it if it has
changed. The "filename" parameter is the filename to read. The
"write_filename" parameter is the filename to write, defaulting
to the same name as the filename to read. The "cb" parameter is
a reference to a callback which takes the string of file contents and
returns the string to write back. Often the callback will simply perform a
search and replace.
Verilog-Perl is part of the <> free
Verilog EDA software tool suite. The latest version is available from CPAN
and from <>.
Copyright 2006-2024 by Wilson Snyder. This package is free
software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either
the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 or the Perl Artistic License
Version 2.0.
Wilson Snyder <>