Validate::Yubikey(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Validate::Yubikey(3pm)

Validate::Yubikey - Validate Yubikey OTPs

    use Validate::Yubikey;
    sub validate_callback {
        my $public_id = shift;
        return {
            iid => $iid,
            key => $key,
            count => $count,
            use => $use,
            lastuse => $lastuse,
            lastts => $lastts,
    sub update_callback {
        my ($public_id, $data) = @_;
    sub log_message {
        print shift, "\n";
    my $yubi = Validate::Yubikey->new(
        callback => \&validate_callback,
        update_callback => \&update_callback,
        log_callback => \&log_message,
    my $otp_valid = $yubi->validate("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");

The Yubikey is a hardware OTP token produced by Yubico (<>).

This module provides validation of Yubikey OTPs. It relies on you to specify callback functions that handle retrieving token information from somewhere and updating the persistent information associated with each token.

Create a new Validate::Yubikey instance.


Validate an OTP.

Called during validation when information about the token is required. Receives the public ID of the Yubikey. It's expected that your subroutine returns a hash reference containing the following keys:

Plus the four values stored by the update_callback.

Called to update the persistent storage of token parameters that enable replay protection. %token_data will contain one or more of the following keys, which should be associated with the supplied $public_id:

These should all be integers.

Called with messages produced during validation. If not supplied to new, logging will disabled.

Here's a simple program that uses DBIx::Class to store token information.

    package YKKSM::DB::Token;
    use base qw/DBIx::Class/;
    __PACKAGE__->load_components(qw/PK::Auto Core/);
    __PACKAGE__->add_columns(qw/uid pid iid key count use lastuse lastts/);
    package YKKSM::DB;
    use base qw/DBIx::Class::Schema/;
    package YKTest;
    use Validate::Yubikey;
    my $schema = YKKSM::DB->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=yktest.db");
    my $yk = Validate::Yubikey->new(
        callback => sub {
            my $pid = shift;
            my $token = $schema->resultset('Token')->find({ pid => $pid });
            if ($token) {
                return {
                    iid => $token->iid,
                    key => $token->key,
                    count => $token->count,
                    use => $token->use,
                    lastuse => $token->lastuse,
                    lastts => $token->lastts,
            } else {
                return undef;
        update_callback => sub {
            my ($pid, $data) = @_;
            my $token = $schema->resultset('Token')->find({ pid => $pid });
            if ($token) {
            } else {
                die "asked to update nonexistent token $pid";
        log_callback => sub {
            print shift, "\n";
    if ($yk->validate($ARGV[0])) {
        print "success!\n";
    } else {
        print "failure 8(\n";

Ben Wilber <>

But most of this module was derived from Yubico's PHP stuff.

This library is free software and may be distributed under the same terms as perl itself.

2022-06-28 perl v5.34.0