VM::EC2::BlockDevice::EBS(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation VM::EC2::BlockDevice::EBS(3pm)

VM::EC2::BlockDevice::EBS - Object describing how to initialize an Amazon EBS volume from an image

  use VM::EC2;
  $image      = $ec2->describe_images(-image_id=>'ami-123456');
  my @devices = $image->blockDeviceMapping;
  for my $d (@devices) {
    my $ebs = $d->ebs;
    my $snapshot_id    = $ebs->snapshotId;
    my $size           = $ebs->volumeSize;
    my $delete         = $ebs->deleteOnTermination;

This object is used to describe the parameters used to create an Amazon EBS volume when running an image. Generally you will not call this directly, as all its methods are passed through by the VM::EC2::BlockDevice object returned from the blockDeviceMapping() call.

See VM::EC2::BlockDevice for a simpler way to get the information needed.

It is easy to confuse this with VM::EC2::BlockDevice::Mapping::EBS, which describes the attachment of an existing EBS volume to an instance. This class is instead used to store the parameters that will be used to generate a new EBS volume when an image is launched.

The following object methods are supported:

 snapshotId  -- ID of the snapshot used to create this EBS when an
                instance is launched from this image.
 volumeSize  -- Size of the EBS volume (in gigs).
 deleteOnTermination -- Whether this EBS will be deleted when the
                instance terminates. Note that this will return
                perl 0/1 values rather than the strings "false"/"true"
 volumeType  -- The volume type, one of "standard" or "io1"
 iops        -- The number of I/O operations per second that the volume
                supports, an integer between 100 and 2000. Only valid for
                volumes of type "io1".


VM::EC2 VM::EC2::Generic VM::EC2::Snapshot VM::EC2::BlockDevice

Lincoln Stein <lincoln.stein@gmail.com>.

Copyright (c) 2011 Ontario Institute for Cancer Research

This package and its accompanying libraries is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GPL (either version 1, or at your option, any later version) or the Artistic License 2.0. Refer to LICENSE for the full license text. In addition, please see DISCLAIMER.txt for disclaimers of warranty.

2022-10-14 perl v5.36.0