URI::Encode(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation URI::Encode(3pm)

URI::Encode - Simple percent Encoding/Decoding

    # OOP Interface
    use URI::Encode;
    my $uri     = URI::Encode->new( { encode_reserved => 0 } );
    my $encoded = $uri->encode($data);
    my $decoded = $uri->decode($encoded);
    # Functional
    use URI::Encode qw(uri_encode uri_decode);
    my $encoded = uri_encode($data);
    my $decoded = uri_decode($encoded);

This modules provides simple URI (Percent) encoding/decoding

The main purpose of this module (at least for me) was to provide an easy method to encode strings (mainly URLs) into a format which can be pasted into a plain text emails, and that those links are 'click-able' by the person reading that email. This can be accomplished by NOT encoding the reserved characters.

This module can also be useful when using HTTP::Tiny to ensure the URLs are properly escaped.

This module does not encode reserved characters by default. If you are looking for speed and want to encode reserved characters, use URI::Escape::XS

See this script <https://github.com/mithun/perl-uri-encode/raw/master/.author/benchmark.pl> for a comparison on encoding results and performance.


Creates a new object, no arguments are required

    my $encoder = URI::Encode->new(\%options);

The following options can be passed to the constructor

    my $encoder = URI::Encode->new({encode_reserved => 0});

If true, "Reserved Characters" are also encoded. Defaults to false.

    my $encoder = URI::Encode->new({double_encode => 1});

If false, characters that are already percent-encoded will not be encoded again. Defaults to true.

    my $encoder = URI::Encode->new({double_encode => 0});
    print $encoder->encode('http://perl.com/foo%20bar'); # prints http://perl.com/foo%20bar

This method encodes the URL provided. The $url provided is first converted into UTF-8 before percent encoding. Options set in the constructor, or defaults, can be overridden by passing them as the (optional) second argument. Options passed must be a hashref.

    $uri->encode("http://perl.com/foo bar");
    $uri->encode( "http://perl.com/foo bar", { encode_reserved => 1 } );

This method decodes a 'percent' encoded URL. If you had encoded the URL using this module (or any other method), chances are that the URL was converted to UTF-8 before 'percent' encoding. Be sure to check the format and convert back if required.


The following functions are exported upon request. This provides a non-OOP interface

"uri_encode($url, \%options)"

The following characters are considered as reserved (RFC 3986 <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986>). They will be encoded only if requested.

     ! * ' ( ) ; : @ & = + $ , / ? # [ ]

The following characters are considered as Unreserved. They will not be encoded

    - _ . ~


Gisle Aas for URI::Escape

David Nicol for Tie::UrlEncoder

RFC 3986 <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986>





Please report any bugs or feature requests at <https://github.com/mithun/perl-uri-encode/issues>

Mithun Ayachit "mithun@cpan.org"

Copyright (c) 2014, Mithun Ayachit. All rights reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See perlartistic.

2022-10-13 perl v5.36.0