Tspi_Key_GetPubKey(3) Library Functions Manual Tspi_Key_GetPubKey(3)

TCG Software Stack Developer's Reference

Tspi_Key_GetPubKey - get the public key of an object

#include <tss/platform.h>
#include <tss/tcpa_defines.h>
#include <tss/tcpa_typedef.h>
#include <tss/tcpa_struct.h>
#include <tss/tss_typedef.h>
#include <tss/tss_structs.h>
#include <tss/tspi.h>

TSS_RESULT Tspi_Key_GetPubKey(TSS_HKEY hKey, UINT32* pulPubKeyLength, BYTE** prgbPubKey);

Tspi_Key_GetPubKey gets the public portion of a given key object.

The hKey parameter is the handle of the key object to unload.

The pulPubKeyLength parameter receives the length in bytes of the prgbPubKey parameter.

The prgbPubKey parameter receives a pointer to the memory block containing the public key blob retrieved for the key object referenced by hKey.

Tspi_Key_GetPubKey returns TSS_SUCCESS on success, otherwise one of the following values is returned:

hKey is not a valid handle.

An internal SW error has been detected.

One or more parameters is bad.

Tspi_Key_GetPubKey conforms to the Trusted Computing Group Software Specification version 1.1 Golden

Tspi_Key_LoadKey(3), Tspi_Key_UnloadKey(3), Tspi_Key_CertifyKey(3).

2004-05-25 TSS 1.1