See the file man.macros.
TixIntro - Introduction to the Tix library
Tix, which stands for Tk Interface Extension, is an extension
library for Tcl/Tk. Tix adds many new widgets, image types and other
commands that allows you to create compelling Tcl/Tk-based GUI
One advantage of Tix over other Tk widget libraries is many of the
Tix standard widgets are implemented in native code. This enhances
performance and provides native look-and-feel for your applications.
This version of Tix works with Tcl/Tk version 8.0 or above. If Tix
has been installed properly on your system, you can load the package into
any Tk script by invoking the command package require Tix After this command
has successfully returned, you can start using the functionalities of the
Tix library. See the EXAMPLES section below for example scripts that
use Tix.
If the "package require Tix" command fails, you probably
need to install a new copy of Tix on your system. You can download the
latest version of Tix from the web site
Tix includes the following standard widgets which, like their
counterparts in Tk, are implemented in native code to achieve high
performance and native look-and-feel.
- tixGrid
- The tixGrid widget displays items in a spread-sheet format.
- tixHList
- Hierarchical listbox widget. This widget display entries in a tree-like
- tixInputOnly
- A transparent window that can be used to cover another widget so as to
disable mouse input.
- tixNBFrame
- The tixNBFrame widget is used internally by the tixNoteBook
widget to display choices among a set of overlapping pages.
- tixTList
- Tabular listbox widget. This widget is similar to the built-in Tk
listbox widget but provides more flexibility in displaying the list
Tix provides many new types of mega widgets: these are
widgets that are composed of built-in Tk widgets and the Tix standard
widgets mentioned above.
- tixBalloon
- The tixBalloon widget provides context-sensitive on-screen
- tixButtonBox
- A convenience class for creating a box of button widgets.
- tixCheckList
- A subclass of tixTree that presents single- or multiple choices to
the user in a tree-like format.
- tixComboBox
- A combination of the listbox and entry widgets that allows
the user to input an item by typing or by selecting from a list of
- tixControl
- The tixControl widget allows the user to adjust a value using arrow
- tixDirList
- A directory selection widget that displays the file system as a cascading
- tixDirSelectDialog
- A dialog for selecting a directory. This widget is
deprecated. Use tk_chooseDirectory instead.
- tixDirTree
- A directory selection widget that displays the file system in a tree
- tixExFileSelectBox
- A widget for selecting a file. This widget is deprecated.
Use tk_getOpenFile instead.
- tixExFileSelectDialog
- A dialog for selecting a file. This widget is deprecated.
Use tk_getOpenFile instead.
- tixFileEntry
- A special entry widget that allows the user to choose a file by typing in
its name or by selecting from a file dialog.
- tixFileSelectBox
- A widget for selecting a file. This widget is deprecated.
Use tk_getOpenFile instead.
- tixFileSelectDialog
- A dialog for selecting a file. This widget is deprecated.
Use tk_getOpenFile instead.
- tixLabelEntry
- A convenience class for creating an entry with an associated
label widget.
- tixLabelFrame
- A labelled frame widget for grouping together a set of related
- tixListNoteBook
- The tixListNoteBook widget allows the user to choose from a set of
over-lapping pages by selecting from a list box.
- tixMeter
- The tixMeter widget displays a bar graph to indicate progress.
- tixNoteBook
- The tixNoteBook widget allows the user to choose from a set of
over-lapping pages with a tabbed notebook metaphore.
- The tixOptionMenu widget allows the user to choose a value from a
pop-up menu.
- tixPanedWindow
- The tixPanedWindow widgets allows the user to adjust the visible
size of several frame widgets with handle bars.
- The tixPopupMenu widget can be used to implement context-sensitive
pop-up menu.
- tixScrolledHList
- A tixHList widget with smart scrollbars. Like other Tix scrolled
widgets, the scroll bars can be displayed on an as-needed basis.
- tixScrolledListBox
- A Tk listbox widget with smart scrollbars.
- tixScrolledText
- A Tk text widget with smart scrollbars.
- tixScrolledWindow
- A Tk frame widget with smart scrollbars.
- tixSelect
- The tixSelect widget uses a set of buttons to present single- or
multiple selection options to the user.
- tixStdButtonBox
- A subclass of tixButtonBox that provides four standard buttons (OK,
Apply, Cancel Help) for Motif(TM)-like dialog boxes.
- tixTree
- A subclass of tixScrolledHList that supports expanding and
collapsing of entries in a hierarchical list.
Three Tix standard widgets tixGrid, tixHList and
tixTList support the Display Items mechanism. Display items
are created by the widget command of these standard widgets. You can
customize the items using styles objects.
- tixDisplayStyle
- Create style objects to customize display items.
Tix provides two additional image types to the Tk image
- compound
- The compound image type allows you to combine images, widgets, and
text strings into a single Tk image object.
- pixmap
- The pixmap image type supports the XPM format.
The following Tcl command are also included in the Tix library to
perform various functions.
- tixDestroy
- Destroy Tix objects instances of classes defined by tixClass
- tixForm
- A geometry manager based on attachment rules. This geometry manager
is deprecated. Use the Tk grid geometry manager
- tixMwm
- A command to communicate with the Mwm, the Motif(TM) Window Manager. Works
on Unix only.
- tix
- The tix command controls the Tix application context.
- tixGetBoolean
- The tixGetBoolean command converts a string to a boolean
- tixGetInt
- The tixGetInt command converts a string to a integer value.
- tixUtils
- The tixUtils manual page describes some utility Tix commands.
- tixwish
- The tixwish program can be used to execute Tix-based applications.
tixwish is deprecated. You shuld use the standard wish
program from Tk and access Tix via the "package require Tix"
The following is an example script that uses a tixTree
set tree [tixTree .t] pack $tree -expand yes -fill both for {set i
0} {$i < 2} {incr i} {
$tree subwidget hlist add $i -itemtype imagetext \
-text "Folder $i" -image [tix getimage folder]
for {set j 0} {$j < 5} {incr j} {
$tree subwidget hlist add $i.$j -itemtype imagetext \
-text "File $i.$j" -image [tix getimage textfile]
} } $tree autosetmode