Tickit::Widget::Tabbed(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Tickit::Widget::Tabbed(3pm)

"Tickit::Widget::Tabbed" - provide tabbed window support

   use Tickit::Widget::Tabbed;
   my $tabbed = Tickit::Widget::Tabbed->new;
   $tabbed->add_tab(Tickit::Widget::Static->new(text => 'some text'), label => 'First tab');
   $tabbed->add_tab(Tickit::Widget::Static->new(text => 'some text'), label => 'Second tab');

Provides a container that operates as a tabbed window.

Subclass of Tickit::ContainerWidget.

The default style pen is used as the widget pen. The following style pen prefixes are also used:

The pen used for the ribbon
The pen attributes used for the active tab on the ribbon
The pen used for "more" ribbon scroll markers

The following style keys are used:

The text used to indicate that there is more content scrolled to the left or right, respectively, in the ribbon

Instantiate a new tabbed window.

Takes the following named parameters:

tab_position - (optional) location of the tabs, should be one of left, top, right, bottom.

Accessor for the tab position (top, left, right, bottom).

Returns the 0-based index of the currently-active tab.

Returns the currently-active tab as a tab object. See below.

Returns the widget in the currently active tab.

Add a new tab to this tabbed widget. Returns an object representing the tab; see "METHODS ON TAB OBJECTS" below.

First parameter is the widget to use.

Remaining form a hash:

label - label to show on the new tab

Remove tab given by 0-based index or tab object.

Move tab given by 0-based index or tab object forward the given number of positions.

Switch to the given tab; by 0-based index, or object.

Switch to the next tab. This may be bound as a key action.

Switch to the previous tab. This may be bound as a key action.

The following methods may be called on the objects returned by "add_tab" or "active_tab".

Returns the 0-based index of this tab

Returns the "Tickit::Widget" contained by this tab

Returns the current label text

Set new label text for the tab

Returns true if this tab is the currently active one

Activate this tab

Set a callback or method name to invoke when the tab is activated

Set a callback or method name to invoke when the tab is deactivated

Returns the "Tickit::Pen" used to draw the label.

Pen observers are no longer registered on the return value; to set a different pen on the tab, use the "set_pen" method instead.

Rather than use the default built-in object class for tab objects, a "Tickit::Widget::Tabbed" or subclass thereof can return objects in another class instead. This is most useful for subclasses of the tabbed widget itself.

To perform this, create a subclass of "Tickit::Widget::Tabbed::Tab". Since version 0.022 this module is implemented using Object::Pad, so you can rely on having that available for implementing a subclass:

   use Object::Pad;
   class MyCustomTabClass :isa(Tickit::Widget::Tabbed::Tab);

Arrange for this class to be used by the tabbed widget either by passing its name as a constructor argument called "tab_class", or by overriding a method called "TAB_CLASS".

   my $tabbed = Tickit::Widget::Tabbed->new(
           tab_class => "MyCustomTabClass"


   use constant TAB_CLASS => "MyCustomTabClass";

Rather than use the default built-in object class for the ribbon object, a "Tickit::Widget::Tabbed" or subclass thereof can use an object in another subclass instead. This is most useful for subclasses of the tabbed widget itself.

For more detail, see the documentation in Tickit::Widget::Tabbed::Ribbon.

Tom Molesworth <cpan@entitymodel.com>, Paul Evans <leonerd@leonerd.org.uk>

Copyright Tom Molesworth 2011; Paul Evans 2014. Licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.

2023-09-30 perl v5.36.0