Tickit::Widget::Box(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Tickit::Widget::Box(3pm)

"Tickit::Widget::Box" - apply spacing and positioning to a widget

   use Tickit;
   use Tickit::Widget::Box;
   use Tickit::Widget::Static;
   my $box = Tickit::Widget::Box->new(
      bg => "green",
      child_lines => "80%",
      child_cols  => "80%",
           text   => "Hello, world!",
           bg     => "black",
           align  => "centre",
           valign => "middle",
   Tickit->new( root => $box )->run;

This subclass of Tickit::SingleChildWidget can apply spacing around the outside of a given child widget. The size of the Box is controlled by the size of the child widget bounded by the given limits, allowing it to enforce a given minimum or maximum size in each of the horizontal and vertical directions. By setting both the minimum and maximum size to the same value, the exact size of the child widget can be controlled.

Limits can be specified either as absolute values, or as a percentage of the maxmium available space.

If the Box is given more space to use than the child widget will consume, the child will be placed somewhere within the space, at a position that is controllable using the "align" and "valign" properties, as defined by Tickit::WidgetRole::Alignable.

The default style pen is used as the widget pen.

Note that while the widget pen is mutable and changes to it will result in immediate redrawing, any changes made will be lost if the widget style is changed.

   $box = Tickit::Widget::Box->new( %args );

In addition to the constructor arguments allowed by "Tickit::Widget" and "Tickit::SingleChildWidget", this constructor also recognises the following named arguments:

Initial values for size limit options.
Initial values for size forcing options.
Initial values for alignment options.

The following methods all accept either absolute sizes, specified in integers, or percentages, specified in strings of the form "10%". If a percentage is given it specifies a size that is a fraction of the total amount that is available to the Box.

   $min = $box->child_lines_min;
   $box->set_child_lines_min( $min );
   $min = $box->child_cols_min;
   $box->set_child_cols_min( $min );

Accessors for the child size minimum limits. If the child widget requests a size smaller than these limits, the allocated Window will be resized up to at least these sizes.

   $max = $box->child_lines_max;
   $box->set_child_lines_max( $max );
   $max = $box->child_cols_max;
   $box->set_child_cols_max( $max );

Accessors for the child size maximum limits. If the child widget requests a size larger than these limits, the allocated Window will be resized down to at most these sizes.

   $box->set_child_lines( $size );
   $box->set_child_cols( $size );

Convenient shortcut mutators that set both the minimum and maximum limit to the same value. This has the effect of forcing the size of the child widget.

Paul Evans <leonerd@leonerd.org.uk>

2024-01-02 perl v5.36.0