Test::RedisServer(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Test::RedisServer(3pm)

Test::RedisServer - redis-server runner for tests.

    use Redis;
    use Test::RedisServer;
    use Test::More;
    my $redis_server;
    eval {
        $redis_server = Test::RedisServer->new;
    } or plan skip_all => 'redis-server is required for this test';
    my $redis = Redis->new( $redis_server->connect_info );
    is $redis->ping, 'PONG', 'ping pong ok';

    my $redis_server = Test::RedisServer->new(%options);

Create a new redis-server instance, and start it by default (use auto_start option to avoid this)

Available options are:

  • auto_start => 0 | 1 (Default: 1)

    Automatically start redis-server instance (by default). You can disable this feature by "auto_start => 0", and start instance manually by "start" or "exec" method below.

  • conf => 'HashRef'

    This is a redis.conf key value pair. You can use any key-value pair(s) that redis-server supports.

    If you want to use this redis.conf:

        port 9999
        databases 16
        save 900 1

    Your conf parameter will be:

        Test::RedisServer->new( conf => {
            port      => 9999,
            databases => 16,
            save      => '900 1',
  • timeout => 'Int'

    Timeout seconds for detecting if redis-server is awake or not. (Default: 3)

  • tmpdir => 'String'

    Temporal directory, where redis config will be stored. By default it is created for you, but if you start Test::RedisServer via exec (e.g. with Test::TCP), you should provide it to be automatically deleted:

Start redis-server instance manually.

Just exec to redis-server instance. This method is useful to use this module with Test::TCP, Proclet or etc.

    use File::Temp;
    use Test::TCP;
    my $tmp_dir = File::Temp->newdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
        client => sub {
            my ($port, $server_pid) = @_;
        server => sub {
            my ($port) = @_;
            my $redis = Test::RedisServer->new(
                auto_start => 0,
                conf       => { port => $port },
                tmpdir     => $tmp_dir,

Stop redis-server instance.

This method is automatically called from object destructor, DESTROY.

Return connection info for client library to connect this redis-server instance.

This parameter is designed to pass directly to Redis module.

    my $redis_server = Test::RedisServer->new;
    my $redis = Redis->new( $redis_server->connect_info );

Return redis-server instance's process id, or undef when redis-server is not running.

Block until redis instance exited.

Test::mysqld for mysqld.

Test::Memcached for Memcached.

This module steals lots of stuff from above modules.

Test::Mock::Redis, another approach for testing redis application.



Daisuke Murase <typester@cpan.org>

Copyright (c) 2012 KAYAC Inc. All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.

2022-05-26 perl v5.34.0