Test::POE::Server::TCP(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | Test::POE::Server::TCP(3pm) |
Test::POE::Server::TCP - A POE Component providing TCP server services for test cases
version 1.20
A very simple echo server with logging of requests by each client:
use strict; use POE; use Test::POE::Server::TCP; POE::Session->create( package_states => [ 'main' => [qw( _start testd_connected testd_disconnected testd_client_input )], ], ); $poe_kernel->run(); exit 0; sub _start { # Spawn the Test::POE::Server::TCP server. $_[HEAP]->{testd} = Test::POE::Server::TCP->spawn( address => '', port => 0, ); return; } sub testd_connected { my ($heap,$id) = @_[HEAP,ARG0]; # A client connected the unique ID is in ARG0 # Create a blank arrayref for this client on *our* heap $heap->{clients}->{ $id } = [ ]; return; } sub testd_client_input { my ($kernel,$heap,$sender,$id,$input) = @_[KERNEL,HEAP,SENDER,ARG0,ARG1]; # The client sent us a line of input # lets store it push @{ $heap->{clients}->{ $id } }, $input; # Okay, we are an echo server so lets send it back to the client # We know the SENDER so can always obtain the server object. my $testd = $sender->get_heap(); $testd->send_to_client( $id, $input ); # Or even # $sender->get_heap()->send_to_client( $id, $input ); # Alternatively we could just post back to the SENDER # $kernel->post( $sender, 'send_to_client', $id, $input ); return; } sub testd_disconnected { my ($heap,$id) = @_[HEAP,ARG0]; # Client disconnected for whatever reason # We need to free up our storage delete $heap->{clients}->{ $id }; return; }
Using the module in a testcase:
use strict; use Test::More; use POE qw(Wheel::SocketFactory Wheel::ReadWrite Filter::Line); use Test::POE::Server::TCP; plan tests => 5; my @data = ( 'This is a test', 'This is another test', 'This is the last test', ); POE::Session->create( package_states => [ 'main' => [qw( _start _sock_up _sock_fail _sock_in _sock_err testd_connected testd_disconnected testd_client_input )], ], heap => { data => \@data, }, ); $poe_kernel->run(); exit 0; sub _start { $_[HEAP]->{testd} = Test::POE::Server::TCP->spawn( address => '', port => 0, ); return; } sub testd_registered { my ($heap,$object) = @_[HEAP,ARG0]; $heap->{port} = $object->port(); $heap->{factory} = POE::Wheel::SocketFactory->new( RemoteAddress => '', RemotePort => $heap->{port}, SuccessEvent => '_sock_up', FailureEvent => '_sock_fail', ); return; } sub _sock_up { my ($heap,$socket) = @_[HEAP,ARG0]; delete $heap->{factory}; $heap->{socket} = POE::Wheel::ReadWrite->new( Handle => $socket, InputEvent => '_sock_in', ErrorEvent => '_sock_err', ); $heap->{socket}->put( $heap->{data}->[0] ); return; } sub _sock_fail { my $heap = $_[HEAP]; delete $heap->{factory}; $heap->{testd}->shutdown(); return; } sub _sock_in { my ($heap,$input) = @_[HEAP,ARG0]; my $data = shift @{ $heap->{data} }; ok( $input eq $data, 'Data matched' ); unless ( scalar @{ $heap->{data} } ) { delete $heap->{socket}; return; } $heap->{socket}->put( $heap->{data}->[0] ); return; } sub _sock_err { delete $_[HEAP]->{socket}; return; } sub testd_connected { my ($heap,$state,$id) = @_[HEAP,STATE,ARG0]; pass($state); return; } sub testd_disconnected { pass($_[STATE]); $poe_kernel->post( $_[SENDER], 'shutdown' ); return; } sub testd_client_input { my ($sender,$id,$input) = @_[SENDER,ARG0,ARG1]; my $testd = $_[SENDER]->get_heap(); $testd->send_to_client( $id, $input ); return; }
Test::POE::Server::TCP is a POE component that provides a TCP server framework for inclusion in client component test cases, instead of having to roll your own.
Once registered with the component, a session will receive events related to client connects, disconnects, input and flushed output. Each of these events will refer to a unique client ID which may be used in communication with the component when sending data to the client or disconnecting a client connection.
If AF_INET6 sockets are supported the component with create an AF_INET and an AF_INET6 socket.
'alias', set an alias on the component; 'address', bind the listening socket to a particular address; 'port', listen on a particular port, default is 0, assign a random port; 'options', a hashref of POE::Session options; 'filter', specify a POE::Filter to use for client connections, default is POE::Filter::Line; 'inputfilter', specify a POE::Filter for client input; 'outputfilter', specify a POE::Filter for output to clients; 'prefix', specify a different prefix than 'testd' for events;
The semantics for "filter", "inputfilter" and "outputfilter" are the same as for POE::Component::Server::TCP in that one may provide either a "SCALAR", "ARRAYREF" or an "OBJECT".
If the component is "spawn"ed within another session it will automatically "register" the parent session to receive "all" events.
'peeraddr', the client address; 'peerport', the client TCP port; 'sockaddr', our address; 'sockport', our TCP port;
These are events that the component will accept:
Registering for 'all' will cause it to send all TESTD-related events to you; this is the easiest way to handle it.
The component sends the following events to registered sessions. If you have changed the "prefix" option in "spawn" then substitute "testd" with the event prefix that you specified.
If the operation was "listen", the component will remove the listener. You may attempt to start it again using "start_listener".
This module uses code borrowed from POE::Component::Server::TCP by Rocco Caputo, Ann Barcomb and Jos Boumans.
Chris Williams <chris@bingosnet.co.uk>
This software is copyright (c) 2016 by Chris Williams, Rocco Caputo, Ann Barcomb and Jos Boumans.
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
2022-10-14 | perl v5.36.0 |