Test::Lintian::Filter(3) Debian Package Checker Test::Lintian::Filter(3)

Test::Lintian::Filter -- Functions to select with tests to run

  use Test::Lintian::Filter qw(find_selected_lintian_testpaths);
  my @testpaths = find_selected_lintian_testpaths('suite:changes');

Functions that parse the optional argument 'only_run' to find the tests that are supposed to run.

Returns a string containing all test belonging to suite SUITE relative to path TEST_SET.
Find all test scripts in SCRIPT_PATH that are identified by the user's selection string ONLY_RUN.
Find all those test paths with Lintian tests located in the directory TEST_SET and identified by the user's selection string ONLY_RUN.
Returns an array containing all test paths located under PATH. They are identified as test paths by a specially named file containing the test description (presently 'desc').
Returns an array containing all test paths with the name NAME located under PATH. The test paths are identified as such by a specially named file containing the test description (presently 'desc').
Returns an array containing all tags that somehow concern the test located in TEST_PATH.
2024-10-16 Lintian v2.117.0ubuntu1.2