Test::Deep::Type(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Test::Deep::Type(3pm)

Test::Deep::Type - A Test::Deep plugin for validating type constraints

version 0.008

    use Test::More;
    use Test::Deep;
    use Test::Deep::Type;
    use MooseX::Types::Moose 'Str';
            message => 'ack I am slain',
            counter => 123,
            message => is_type(Str),
            counter => is_type(sub { die "not an integer" unless int($_[0]) eq $_[0] }),
        'message is a plain string, counter is a number',

This is a Test::Deep plugin that provides the sub "is_type" to indicate that the data being tested must validate against the passed type. This is an actual type object, not a string name -- for example something provided via MooseX::Types, or a plain old coderef that returns a bool (such as what might be used in a Moo type constraint).

Exported by default; to be used within a Test::Deep comparison function such as cmp_deeply. As this module aims to be a solution for many popular type systems, we attempt to use the type in multiple ways:

If the "validate" method exists, it is invoked on the type object with the data as its parameter (which should return "undef" on success, and the error message on failure).
If the type appears to be or act like a coderef (either a coderef, blessed or unblessed, or possesses a coderef overload) the type is invoked as a sub, with the data as its parameter. Its return value is treated as a boolean; if it also dies with a message describing the failure, this message is used in the failure diagnostics.

Type::Tiny types fall into this category, and are fully supported.

Regular strings describing a type under a particular system (e.g. Moose, Params::Validate) are not currently supported.

Bugs may be submitted through the RT bug tracker <https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=Test-Deep-Type> (or bug-Test-Deep-Type@rt.cpan.org <mailto:bug-Test-Deep-Type@rt.cpan.org>).

There is also a mailing list available for users of this distribution, at <http://lists.perl.org/list/perl-qa.html>.

There is also an irc channel available for users of this distribution, at "#perl" on "irc.perl.org" <irc://irc.perl.org/#perl-qa>.

I am also usually active on irc, as 'ether' at "irc.perl.org".

Karen Etheridge <ether@cpan.org>

Graham Knop <haarg@haarg.org>

This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Karen Etheridge.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

2022-06-17 perl v5.34.0