Template::Plugin::YAML(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation Template::Plugin::YAML(3pm)

Template::Plugin::YAML - Plugin interface to YAML

    [% USE YAML %]
    [% YAML.dump(variable) %]
    [% YAML.dump_html(variable) %]
    [% value = YAML.undump(yaml_string) %]
    [% YAML.dumpfile(filename, variable) %]
    [% value = YAML.undumpfile(filename) %]

This is a simple Template Toolkit Plugin Interface to the YAML module. A YAML object will be instantiated via the following directive:

    [% USE YAML %]

As a standard plugin, you can also specify its name in lower case:

    [% USE yaml %]

These are the methods supported by the YAML object.

Generates a raw text dump of the data structure(s) passed

    [% USE Dumper %]
    [% yaml.dump(myvar) %]
    [% yaml.dump(myvar, yourvar) %]

Generates a dump of the data structures, as per "dump", but with the characters <, > and & converted to their equivalent HTML entities, spaces converted to &nbsp; and newlines converted to <br>.

    [% USE yaml %]
    [% yaml.dump_html(myvar) %]

Converts a YAML-encoded string into the equivalent data structure. Here's a way to deep-copy a complex structure by completely serializing the data.

  [% USE yaml;
     yaml_string = yaml.dump(complex_data_structure);
     complex_copy = yaml.undump(yaml_string);

Converts the data to YAML encoding, and dumps it to the specified filepath.

  [% USE yaml; yaml.dumpfile(".storage", my_data) %]

Loads the YAML-encoded data from the specified filepath

  [% USE yaml; my_data = yaml.undumpfile(".storage") %]

Richard Clamp <richardc@unixbeard.net>, with undump, undumpfile, and dumpfile implementation by Randal L. Schwartz <merlyn@stonehenge.com>

based on Simon Matthews' Template::Plugin::Dumper

Copyright 2003, 2008 Richard Clamp All Rights Reserved.

This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.


2022-06-17 perl v5.34.0